Chapter 14: Power Squad (part 2)

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**an AI of what little Miss Raega-Dolly looks like- except with bright green eyes**

"Oh shuck." She whispered. Her eyes wide.

"Oh shucky shuck sakes!"

Alex stood frozen, her eyes wide. Pure white hot anger washed over her. All she could see was red. Now she understood why there were so many guards. Rage boiled inside of her.

Stairing back at her were about 15 pairs of terrified gaunt eyes. A few were swollen and bruised. Alex's eyes swept the truck. And froze again, the white hot rage hit her again, she could feel it hot and burning in her chest.

Standing in the back was another guard, but he was holding a thin knife to the throat of a child. She looked no older then 4 or 5.

"Come any closer and she dies." The guard hissed.

Alex ground her teeth. With all her self control she exhaled the breath she was holding.

"Your a big man, aren't you? Holding a child as a shield. Coward." Alex spat.

"What did you do to the others?"

Alex could hear the waver in his voice. He was nervous and terrified.

Good. Bloody filthy coward!

"I think you know exactly what I did."

Alex lowered her eyes, and took in the child he held.

Her lip was split and her eye was bruised, she had tear tracks down her dirty face, and her mouth, like the other children, was gaged.

"Hey little Dolly, I know you're scared, I need you to be brave for a few more minutes okay? I'll get you out. Just hold still." Alex said gently.

Alex could hear Brenda and Kenzie creeping up beside her. Out of view of the guard. Alex held up her hands, telling them to hold. The guard stiffened, holding the knife tighter on the little girl, making her squeak. Alex growled and snapped her eyes to the guard.

"I'm leaving here and I'll take her with me. I'll kill her." He hissed.

"You think I can't take one lone coward when I took out all your other guards?' Alex scoffed, "you think I'm going to let you waltz out of here?"

Alex waved to Brenda and Kenzie, who both at swung around, guns raised, ready to shoot.

"Shit." Brenda whispered, as she took in the bound and gagged kids.

Kenzie didn't say anything, but stuffed and Alex could see the rage on her face. This was Kenzie's situation 3 months ago. Alex and a team had rescued her and Finn and about 30 other kids. She still woke up crying with nightmares.

Alex could see her hands shaking and her knuckles turning white.

"Steady Kenz." Alex said quietly.

Kenzie slowly exhauled.

"Now, my idiotic WICKED guard." Alex snapped her eyes back to the guard. His eyes were flicking between the three girls. Two with big sniper rifles and one twisting knives in her hands. Alex could see his face pale.

"If you want to live, you answer my questions, if not they shoot. And they are perfect marksmen." Alex smiled.

He didn't say anything.

"Good. First let the kid go."

"Why? She's the only thing keeping me alive." His voice wobbled.

"Wrong. My command is the only thing keeping you alive. I can take you out from here." Alex shrugged.

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