Chapter 24: New Shanket (Part 3)

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**Suiside Squad Sisters- Alex, Brenda, Kenzie and Sonya**

Alex had finished the day in the med tent with Brenda. Vivian had slunk off to the back of the group for the rest of the training that afternoon. Minho kept throwing smirks and winks in Alex's direction. She was positive he knew she was pissed, feeling jealous and possessive of her boy, and he was making sure she knew he was all hers.

The recruits had more respect for Kenzie and Brenda now, addressing them with respect instead of wholf whistling and sexist remarcts. They also seemed terrified of Alex. Which Alex was fine with right now. She was not in a people mood.

Alex and Brenda finally packed up their field medical bags and trucked back to the main Med Station, dropped it off with Dr Prior and gave him a full report of the day. They were allowed to clock off. Alex trudged back to the cottage, moaning and groaning the whole way.


She was finally showered and cleaned. Laying on the bed wrapped in a towel when Minho walked in.

"Why hello my gorgeous little warrior." Minho smiled at her.

He still had no shirt on, showing his tattoo, and his toned, fit and muscular body glazed in sweat, his hair still swooped up perfectly and his eyes squinted into half moons. Despite her grouchy mood her stomach flipped, just looking at him.

"Hello my chiseled fine piece of art work. Come stand over here." She pointed to the side of the bed.

He cocked an eyebrow at her but stepped over anyways.

"I just want to admire the beautiful view." She smirked at him.

She had gestured to his shirtless torso. He threw his head back and laughed, and then flexed.

"Perfect." She giggled.

He flopped on top of her, making her shriek. "Dude! I showered already! And you're covered in sweat! Gross, you shank! I just wanted to look! Get off!" She whined, pushing him.

He rolled off laughing at her. He got up, grabbed a towel and strutted into the bathroom for a shower.

Alex got dressed and curled up onto the bed, waiting for Minho. He always took forever in the shower and styling his hair. She ended up falling asleep waiting.

She woke up to light kisses peppering her face. She groaned, gently pushing him away.

"What? I was sleeping shank!" She groaned.

"I know. But time to go, the gang is getting together for a fire. Remember? The squad owe you drinks! Unless you'd rather just stay home. Newt and Simon picked up the girls from school and then took 'em to Jorge's for a sleepover with Papi...we have the evening alone."

She just groaned and curled up, holding her stomach. Minho sat down on the bed, beside her.

"We can stay home. I have bacon and cookies from Fry and Sonya." He said gently, rubbing her back.

Alex rolled into her back, to look at him. She raised her arm and placed her hand on his cheek. And smiled up at him.

"I love you, Shuck Face. Why are you so good to me? I don't deserve you."

"'Cause you deserve the world babe. And I wanna be the shank that gives it to you. And only you. And you absolutely deserve the whole world. That Vivian shank can suck it." He leaned down and kissed her nose gently.

Alex held his face in her hands. And pulled his face to hers, he kissed her gently.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Alex muttered against his lips. He kissed her one last time and pulled her from the bed.

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