Chapter 9: Jealous Much?

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**This takes place before Thomas is here- during Chapter 14: Moody Broody Boys in Defender**


Alby had agreed to make Alex a runner, Newt looked a little skeptical, but he also agreed. Minho was pumped. He tried to contain his excitement. He knew without a doubt that Alex would make a great runner.

His personal feelings aside; she was smart, calm, daring but not reckless, cautious but not a sissy. She looked strong and fit; she would make a great asset to their team. Maybe she would be able to see or find something he couldn't. Because shuck knows he's run every inch of that shuck maze and couldn't find anything.

With his stomach on a wild ride and a huge smile on his face, he bounded over to the girl who still stood speechless. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around,

Shuck she's teeny tiny!

"SHAAAAAANKEEEET!!!" Minho yelled.

She shrieked "Ahhh! Minho! Put me down!"

Her laughter made his heart flutter.

"Hope you won't get too sick of me!" He chuckled as he placed her back down, she turned around and he gave her a smirk.

"Nah, I can always find an excuse to get out of it! I have a few other jobs." She sassed back, with a smirk of her own.

"Ouch! That hurt, right here! I can feel it breaking." He said pouting, holding a hand to his heart.

He love how fast her sass came. She didn't have to think, it just came naturally!

"Ha, didn't know MEAN-HO had a heart...but don't worry MinMin. I can always restart it if it's broken..." She sassed back, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Minho's heart stopped completely, as he smirked down at her. She flipped her hair as she spun towards the door. Minho got a delightful whiff of coconut.

He watched her swing her hips as she walked to the Council room door. She turned and looked over her shoulder at him and then winked. Minho stood there with his mouth open, hands hanging at his side lost for words for the first time. His brain wouldn't form words, but it didn't matter because his mouth wouldn't cooperate.

His body finally decided to work; his lungs started breathing and his heart started beating again. He had a warm tingling feeling in his chest.

"Did she... did she just out sass me?!" He stammered.

"She sure bloody did, ya shank." Newt came over, laughing at his friend. Minho could feel Newt watching him thoughtfully.

"You like her don't you." Newt stated.

Minho snapped his eyes to Newt.

"What? No." But he could feel the heat rising in his face.

Sure, she was shucken hot, and sassy, and hilarious, kind, fun to hang with, smelt great, genuine...okay ya, maybe I like her a bit ..

"Uh huh, ya sure, Okay. I sure bloody believe ya." Newt said, rolling his eyes, obviously unconvinced.

A very different feeling flashed through him, it felt ugly, it made him hot and angry.

"She's the only shuck girl here! Every Glader here likes her, well except Gally..."

Another wave of this weird new feeling hit him. He felt angry and hurt and sick all at once.

"Even you! I see the way you watch her!" Minho snapped, he didn't really know why he was mad at Newt, but he was. And the way Newt chuckled and gave him a look made Minho even angrier.

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