Chapter 15: Power Squad (part 3)

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Brenda, Kenzie and Alex quickly explained to the kids another truck was on its way full of guards, and they were going to stop it.

"We need you to stay here and stay quiet. Okay? I know it's scary, and it will be loud. But we will be okay and we will get you safely away tonight. Okay?"

The kids all nodded, their eyes wide. Kenzie and Petter had cracked open a few of the supply crates, finding bottled water and granola bars, in another crate there were blankets and medical supplies. They handed it out what they could. Alex had collected Raegan and Pickles and carried them back to the other truck for now. Alex picked the next oldest kids to be in charge, they were 13, and were eager to help.

Alex, Brenda, Kenzie, Petter and Maddie set to work. They tied the explosives at intravels along the bridge. It would be a similar ambush operation.

Maddie and Brenda went back to the rocks and spread out, Kenzie climbed back up her tree, and Alex stayed with Petter on the bridge.

"Are you sure about this? I can get Kenzie to do this." Alex asked again.

He shook his head. "No. I watched as they shot my dad and older brother. I'm going to do this. And if I die doing it, that's fine. As long as I take them with me." He said threw a clenched jaw.

"I like your drive kid. Follow my instructions and you'll live. Good that?" She clapped him on his shoulder.

He nodded.

"I'm seeing the dust cloud, that should be them!" Brenda said into the com.

Alex nodded at Petter. "Your up kid."

Petter nodded and climbed down the bridge, out of sight of the truck. Alex watched him, he was an agile kid, and strong.

He would have made a good runner. Minho would have been impressed.

Alex took another deep breath and pulled an arrow out of her sheath. And pulled her hood over her face.

Just the the guard said, a truck full of WICKED soilders and guards showed up.

"I'm counting..3." Brenda's voice said in her ear.

"No, 4 I count 4." Kenzie said.

"Does one guy make a difference?" Maddie's voice asked.

"No. Not for my sharp shooters." Alex said with a smile. She knew Brenda and Kenzie would always have her back. She trusted them and they trusted her.

Alex pulled the bow tight as the truck slowed down. Alex's eyes swept the truck.

"Four. That I see. Probably more in the back." Alex said quietly.

"Good that." Brenda said.

"Hey, Petter? Any eyes on the back?" Alex asked, the truck had come to a stop half way down the bridge.

"No. It needs to drive up." He said, his voice slightly panicked.

"Take a breath kid. It'll be fine. I can get them to move." Alex answered quietly, the guards and soliders couldn't see her talking, her hood pulled down too much, the mask also helped council her mouth.

Alex took a big step backwards, and then another.

"Come on...come get me." Alex whispered.

The truck crept forward a little, the drivers eyes narrowed. Alex took another step backwards. She was now even with the end of the bridge.

"Good! Alex that's good!" Petter called.

Alex raised her bow.

"Windows will be bullet proof, but get those doors open and we're in business." Brenda said.

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