Chapter 10: Training and Warnings (Part 1)

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**Before Alex is in the Maze, in WICKED**

"I miiiisssss you!" Minho whinned.

He wouldn't let her go. He pulled her back, and she stumbled flopping back onto the bed beside him.

"Come on babe! Just a little longer? You're always so busy! Especially with this new training!" Minho whined again.

Alex gave up and laid her head down, with a sigh. Minho pulled her closer and buried his face into her neck. His lips found her neck.

"Minho! You know I gotta do this training. I actually like it better than whatever boring klunk I was doing before. Also... Captain Ronin is great, he doesn't let Rat Man in the gym. I actually get a break from that gross sewer rat."

"Hmmmm." Was all Minho said as he kissed another part of her neck.

Alex giggled and squirmed. "Babe, that tickles!"

"What tickles?" He murmured, his lips tickling her. "This?" 

Alex shrieked. "Yes that!" She giggled.

"Nah. I like when you squirm!" Minho smirked into another one.

Alex wiggled, so she was now facing him.

"Ah. That's a better place to kiss." He smirked as he kissed her lips.

"Hey, why don't-"

Minho kissed her.

"-you come-"

He kissed her again.

"-with me-"

Again he cut her off with another kiss.

"-To training?" Alex finished.

"Okay. Will you stop talking now and kiss me back?"

"Hey Min?" Alex asked.

"Ya?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Shut up and kiss me." Alex teased.

"You got it Sunshine."


Alex pushed open the training gym door. She set her stuff down on a bench. Captain Ronin was standing waiting for her.

"Your finally here." He growled.

Alex rolled her eyes and gave him an affectionate smile as she walked over. She racked her fingers through her hair, and made a ponytail, stopping right in front of him. Captain's eyes narrowed, and his lips were pressed together.

"What's on your neck?"

"Mosquito bite." Alex shrugged.

Captain Ronin huffed heavily through his nose. "Does this mosquito have black spiky hair?"

"Ya know? He just might! It was a pretty attractive mosquito! Good kisser too." Alex continued, with a cheeky smile.

Ronin rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Alex be careful." Ronin growled, his eyes still narrowed, "You know what Janson is going to do if he gets a wiff of anything romantic." Ronin said quietly, folding his arms.

"Captain Marshmallow! Are you worried about me?" Alex teased, "I knew you were squishy and had feelings under all those muscles!"

"I'm serious Alex." Ronin growled.

Alex dropped the smirk and sass. "I know Captain. I know. We both know the consiquenses. I've been their bloody human shucken guinea pig for a few years... I found someone I care about and makes me happy. I'm going to do something for me, I think I've earned the right to be happy."

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