Chapter 8: Sleepover

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**This is after Chris's attack, Somewhere between Chapter 21: Bromance and Chapter 28: First Run in Defender ** 

"G'Night Princess!" Minho called quietly, with a soft gentle smile on his face as he backed out of the room. He clicked the door closed and bumped into Newt.

He was standing with his arms crossed and a knowing look on his face.

"What?" Minho asked suspiciously, crossing his own arms over his chest.

"Oh nothing... nothing." Newt said airily, waving a dismissive hand. He gave him another smirk.

"Okay ya shank! You're being weird. I'm going to brush my teeth."

Minho pushed past him, grabbed his stuff and went to the bathroom.

He couldn't keep his mind from wandering to the red haired girl sleeping in his bed right now.

What I wouldn't give to trade places with Bark right now! Uhg No! Ya Shank! She isn't that kind of girl...and you ain't that kind of guy! Get a grip!

He pushed open the door of his shared room with Newt and stopped in the doorway. Sitting on Newt's bed was Alby, Thomas, Newt and for some reason Bark.

"The shuck?" Minho asked.

Newt shrugged his shoulders. "Guys wanted to just hang out for a bit. That all right with you?"  Newt gave him a little grin.

Minho shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever. I gotta run tomorrow, just don't be loud."

Minho put his stuff away and lay down in his sleeping bag. The guys were chatting about random klunk, what they would want to do outside the maze walls.

I'd want to take Alex on date. Wait...maybe she doesn't even want to. It's not like you even asked her out!

Their conversation shifted to what kind of girl they would like to date. Alby didn't really participate in this conversation, he sat against the wall, listening, a smirk on his face. Thomas described his ideal girl, and to Minho is sounded an awful lot like Newt. Minho propped himself up on his elbows, his suspicions growing when Newt started to describe a very similar description to Thomas. Minho glanced at Alby, and they both gave each other a knowing look. The two of them listened with a grin on their faces listening to Newt and Thomas described each other.

Minho snorted and tried to hid his chuckles.

Thomas glanced at him.

"Hmm looks like Minho perked up when started talking about ideal girls!" Thomas teased.

"Ya, Min. What's your ideal girl like? Fiesty? Sassy? Good at taking care of sick and injered? Good with a bow? Red hair perhaps?" Newt added.

Minho rolled his eyes, but he could feel the heat rising in his face.

"Yeah, you guys nailed it. Head over heals for that exact one. If you find her let me know!" Minho said dryly.

"Deal. She's down the hall. I think you can find her sleeping in your bed already." Alby added, raising his eyebrows.

"Dude, that's my sister!" Newt said.

Minho rolled his eyes. He lay down and rolled over, away from the sniggering guys.

"Oh come on Min! Everyone in this shuck place knows. Like dude, come on!" Newt chuckled, throwing a pillow at him.

You have no shuck clue. I would absolutely go get her. But I shucked too much...I gotta prove I'm not that much of a slint head. I would love to take her push her up against the wall and kiss her!

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