Chapter 11: Training and Warnings (Part 2)

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***Contains mature subject matter... Viewer discretion is advised- REALLY spicy kissy scene- no actual seezzy scene- but implied***

Alex was finished with training and finally standing in the showers, rinsing off the soap and conditioner from her hair. She was still really ticked off, she saw Minho get up and bolt out the door. He didn't say bye or anything. Just ran out the door like he was on fire.

She heard the womans locker room doors open and close. She stood for a few more minutes in the water. Sighing she turned the water off, figuring she was here long enough. She dried off, wrapped her long hair up in a towel and opened the curtain stepped out into the change room, humming a tune from her childhood. 

She had just finished brushing her hair and drying it a bit, so it wasn't dripping, when she looked back up into the mirror and just about had a heart attack. Standing, leaning against the back wall, his arms and ankles crossed, with a cocky smirk, was Minho. 

"The shuck Min, you gave me a heart attack!" Alex gasped, as she spun around. 

Minho pushed off the wall and slowly sauntered over, as he got closer, Alex realized that his hair was damp, and he had changed clothes. 

"What are you doing in the girls change room? And why'd you bolt off to earlier?" Alex asked, raising a challenging eyebrow and crossing her arms over the towel she had wrapped around herself. 

"Both those can be answered by the" He said, he had stopped in front of her, toe to toe. 

"Me?" She repeated. 

Minho hummed. "You." He whispered. 

His minty breath fanned her face. She didn't say anything, waiting for an explanation. She was very aware she wasn't wearing anything but a towel wrapped around her. She could feel heat rising in her chest, and up into her face, but she was captivated by his eyes. His rich brown eyes usually sparkled and held a hint of mischief in them, but right now they were a deep dark brown colour, there was a hunger in them. It made her heart beat faster, and her chest heave. 

"Shuck it Alex...your hot. I couldn't watch much more or...I'd do something I'd regret...but now, with no one else around.."

Minho's voice had dropped into a gravelly husky tone that made Alex's knees weak, and her stomach back flip. 

"What would you have regrated?" She asked, her voice hardly above a whisper, her arms uncrossed and she slowly placed them on his abs and slid them up his chest. Alex could feel his wild heart beat, it matched her own. 

"Having too many eyes." 

He leaned down and kissed her neck. Alex shuddered. He did it again, kissing up and down her neck. 

"Oh shuck, Min."

Her whisper turned into a small moan. That's all he needed. He grabbed her by the hips, squeezing tight, pulling her close, while his lips met hers. He kissed her hard. Alex allowed his tounge into her mouth, with a soft moan. She could her him growl in the back of his throat. His hands slid from her hips, to her lower back and down, he grabbed her but and lifted her up. His fingers brushed the exposed skin on her thighs, sending electricity through her. She instantly wrapped her legs around him. Without breaking their kiss he walked to a wall pressing up against her,  pressing her into the cold locker room wall.

Alex ripped his shirt off and tossed it to the ground. Minho pulled away just enough to look her in the eye, concern in them.

"You okay with this?" He panted.

"Shut up and kiss me, shuck face." Alex was also breathing hard.

"You got it Sunshine."

He attacked her lips like it was the last thing he would ever do. His hands were all over her; in her hair, down her neck, all over her back and front. Alex's hands explored everywhere, too. He was rough but gentle at the same time, passionate and timid all at the same time. He made her feel things she didn't think we're possible. She didn't want it to stop.

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