Chapter 25: Worst Nightmare (part 1)

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**Trigger warning**
Also want to thank Elanabear09 for this chapter idea**

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ronin asked, he folded his arms looking at her concerned.

"Yes. It's fine. It's a simulation right? Not like the cranks or WICKED soldiers are real. Come on...I need to blow off steam! And shooting holographic simulations is better than breaking noses. Again." Alex pleaded.

"Fine." Ronin relented, throwing his hands in the air.

Alex smiled up at him. "Thank you."

He nodded skeptily at her.

"I'll be fine! I'll type it in and just blow off some steam and then I'll close it up." Alex insisted. "It's not like your using it today! It's a day off!"

Ronin turned on his heel and stomped off. Alex watched him for a second with a small smile. She shook her head and turned back to the key pad. She pushed a few buttons hastily on the key pad, she wasn't paying too much attention. The simation was ready and she hit the countdown.

Alex opened the door and went inside. She heard the lock click.

"Wait..why is it locking? Shuck I must have clicked the wrong button!" She muttered to herself.

The clink of the lock means it would only unlock when the simulation was over and she beat it. The noise from outside shut off. The room went dark and changed into a dark dank underground tunnel.

"The shuck? This is new!" Alex whispered to herself.

Alex spun around, looking around. The walls were brick, and damp, the ground was wet, it even smelt musty and old and something rotting. The hair on Alex's neck stood up. Alex took out a knife from her thigh holster. She took a cautious step forward.

"This is definitely not what I typed in..." She whispered again, her eyes sweeping the tunnle.

Alex knew something was off. She didn't know what, but something was wrong. She could feel the knot of anxiety in her chest. This was exactly like the tunnels in The Underneath. There was no way she would make an Underneath simulation. Something was very wrong and she was trapped inside.

She took another step when there was a small smashing noise and a tinkling of glass. Alex jumped a mile high and spun around. Her eyes wild in fear.

"No! No no no. This can't be happening!" She whimpered, panic flaired through her body. Her hands went numb, her mouth felt dry and her heart slammed against her ribs.

There was another tinkling of glass followed by footsteps. Then the disembodied voice cackling, the same one that haunted her nightmares, it was loud in her ear. Alex screamed and spun around.

Standing right behind her was the noseless crank. Most of his teeth where missing and his eye was missing, leaving a bloody gummy whole. His nose was missing, Alex could see the bones and muscles to his nasal passage. He was as gruesome as ever. He was cackling sinisterly.

"Hello pretty nose!" He whispered, black phlem trickled from his mouth.

Alex screamed.

She ducked under his wild flaling arm.

"Where is the other noses? The little pretty nose? I want your noses!" He cackled.

"Shuck! Chloe?!" Alex screamed, she spun around trying to find her.

"CHLOE?!" Alex screamed.

The crank lunged forward, knocking Alex onto her side. Alex scrambled away. Grabbing her knife she slashed it at his face, making him howel. Blood splattering everywhere. He snarled at her and jumped with inhuman speed, he pinned her down and bit her. Alex screamed, trying to push him off.

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