Chapter 32: Family by Choice (part 2)

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Minho woke up to the pounding on the front door, and frantic yelling. He sprung out of bed, and threw the door open, thinking something was wrong with the girls in the MedHut.

Gally was standing there huffing, his hands on his knees.

"Gally? Know what tine it is shank?" He yelled, "Is Chloe okay? What happened? Did anything happen to Raegan? What's going on Gally?" Minho panicked.

"Ya! But...hang on." He held up a finger and gasped a few times, "one working lung is klunk." He took another deep breath and stood up, "Fry sent me. Sonya is in labor. She's screaming for Alex."

"What? It's too early!" Alex had come to the door rubbing her eyes.

"I know. She's freaking out. Fry's freaking out. Kenzie went to get Newt and Simon. Come on!" Gally explained, trying not to panic.

"Okay, hang on. Let me change."

Minho closed the door, Alex dashed to their bedroom and changed quickly. She had to stop, and lean on the bed for a second. Minho came over and rubbed her back.

"You okay, babe? You have been running yourself ragged. Or did you finally catch that flu?"

"No idea. I'm tiered, and dizzy." She straightened up and put on a smile. "Come on, I think Fry and I are gonna need you, Newt and Simon's support." Minho grabbed her medical bag and they raced out the door with Gally behind them.

Alex got there just before Dr Prior and Teresa. Alex had just assessed Sonya, and gave the run down to Dr Prior.

"Yes, Sonya is definitely in labor, four weeks early, she is 7cm dilated."

They tried to keep her calm and relaxed; trying to slow her labor down. But when Sonya's water broke there was no stopping this peanut. Baby wanted out and out now.

Sonya was squatting, leaning into Fry, his shirt clenched in her fists, and she was breathing hard.

"Okay, come on Sonya, next contraction, push with everything you got. Baby's got tones of blond hair!" Alex encouraged, "there you go! Come on sis! You got this, go, go...keep going!"

There was a loud shrill cry. Sonya collapsed into Fry's arms with a cry of relief. Dr Prior checked baby, she was tiny, but vitals were stable and healthy, and that cry was loud and strong. Alex brought her tiny little niece over to Sonya. With tears in her eyes she placed the baby girl on Sonya's chest.

"I'm proud of you sis! She's beautiful!" She kissed her sisters head.

Teresa finished up while Alex excused herself for a moment. She needed to find Minho. She left their little cottage and on the steps was everyone else, waiting anxiously.

"What happened?"

"Is she okay?"

"Alex, you look pale!"

"Is baby okay?"

She was bombarded with questions.

"SLIM IT GUYS!" She yelled.

The questions stopped.

"Yes Sonya is doing great. Baby girl is teeny tiny, but healthy."

There was an explosion of cheers. Alex forced a smile for the group. Inside though her heart felt like it was breaking. She had helped bring many babies earth side in the last few years. And she was waiting anxiously for her turn, but it didn't look like they were going to get to experience it. And it didn't help that people kept asking when they were going to have their own kids. Alex would brush the question off quickly changing the subject. Only a few people knew they had been trying for over a year.

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