Chapter 16: A Missed Sleepover

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**During the Right Arm**

"ALEX?! Are you paying attention?!" Vince yelled.

Alex had her feet propped up on the table in the back, her head was resting on the wall, and her eyes were closed.

"No." Alex called back immediately, not even bothering to open her eyes.

"For the love of-" Vince fumed

"Love of what Vince?" Alex cut him off. "We've been over the same klunk for 30 minutes!" She peeked an eye open, "Tommy?" She called.

"Ya?" he answered, picking his head up off his hand, he was leaning on.

"You know what we're bloody doing, ya?!" She called again, closing her eye.

"Yes..." He answered hesitantly. 

"You know where we're going?" She asked.

"...uh yeah..."

"We'll have a map in case we get lost? And working coms?" Alex asked again.

"Yes..and yes." 

"Then Vince? We're good. Just slim it nice and cool for a sec. Jeeze man." Alex said with a yawn.

She could hear Brenda, Kenzie, Finn, Frypan and Jorge chuckle. She heard Newt breath heavily through his nose.

"One of these days Alex, your going to get yourself killed!" Vince huffed.

"Probably." Alex answered.

Vince rolled his eyes.

"By these shuck boring meetings." She added quietly.

Brenda, Kenzie and Finn choked on their laughter, trying to pass it off as coughing. Alex opened her eyes and gave them a cheeky grin.


Thomas and Alex were loading their bags and weapons into the back seat of the truck when everyone showed up, with Chloe and little Raegan.

"This is quite the good bye party. You know we'll be back in like 12 hours, right?" Alex rolled her eyes, but her smile gave away she was teasing.

"We know." Newt said, stepping forwards and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Get a grip Newtie. This is a mission Tommy and I can do with our eyes closed." Alex cried as Newt squeezed tighter.

Newt finally released her and stepped up to Thomas and pulled him into a tight hug as well. Alex rolled her eyes and turned to the rest. Raegan was hanging back, but Alex knelt down and opened her arms. The little girl ran forwards and wrapped her little arms around Alex's neck. She stood up holding the girl tight.

"Miss Raega-Dolly. I'm going to be gone at bedtime, so you need to listen to Brenda and Kenzie. Okay?"

The little girl bit her lip, and leaned forwards and whispered something in her ear. Alex smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure we can arrange that." Alex whispered back. "You want to ask?"

Raegan shook her head.

"Okay, I'll ask." Alex smiled again, trying very hard to be serious and not giggle.

"Uncle Newt? Abuelito Jorge? Captain Marshmallow? Little Miss Raega-Dolly has asked if you would accompany her to bed, check for monsters and stay with her until I get back." Alex said with great formality.

Brenda and Kenzie gasped, faking hurt. Newt and Jorge grinned and Ronin looked little stunned.

"Sure will, Kiddo!" Newt said with an affectionate smile, "We can have a big Sleepover. How does that sound?"

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