Chapter 3: You Big Baby

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"Aaaallleeeeex!" Minho whined.

"Shuck sakes!" Alex yelled from the other room. She stormed into the MedHut room.
"I mean what can I do for you Min?" She forced a smile.

It was going on day three of Minho laying in the bed constantly calling for her. Sure the first day he was actually sick. He had a fever and was shivering but sweating and coughing. But the fever had broke the next day, his cough was much better and he had colour in his face again.

He was sitting up in the bed with a stupid smirk on his face.

"What Minho? What do you need now?" Alex asked. She was exhausted.

This flu cold thing had gone through most of the Glade already. She had held off so far, she could feel a touch of it. Her body sagged. Her limbs were sore and her head was dizzy. She hadn't slept much. Always being called to tend to another Glader. Jeff and Clint had gone down, so she was the only one left.

She sat down in the chair beside his bed. His smirk disappeared and a frown took its place.

"You don't look too good Sunshine."

"Thanx. What every girl wants to hear." Alex muttered. She rubbed her forehead and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Not what I mean. You always look good, but right now you look dead on your feet."

His voice had lost its playfulness. And yet his words made her blush.

I always look good? Did he actually say that?

She rubbed her tired eyes.

"Ya Min. I'm exhausted. I've been taking care of everyone for the last two weeks." She finally admitted. She sighed. "What did you want, why'd you call me?"

"It's not important now." He frowned at her.

Alex sighed heavily again and stood up. She tetered a little, as a dizzy spell hit. Minho's dark eyes never left her. She walked to the shelf, grabbed the thermometer and some pain relievers and stethoscope and came and sat back down beside him.

"Here." She held the thermometer and slipped it under his tounge and waited for it to beep.

"Your good. No fever Min. How's the head and cough?"

"It's there but fine. Maybe another day and I can run a full day. Don't want to get stuck hacking a lung in the maze."

Alex nodded. She didn't think of that.

"Okay, today and tomorrow in the Glade. Now shirt up, I gotta listen to those lungs." Alex said, she had no inflection in her voice. She was too tired to even think about or blush that she was sticking her hand up Minho's shirt. He seemed to understand how exhausted she was because he didn't tease her either. Alex closed her eyes and listened to him breathing through the stethoscope.

She heard the familiar thump of his steady heart. She had come to relay on that steady rhythm to lull her to sleep. It had taken her out of some pretty ja ked up nightmares and panic attacks. With the steady loud thump in her ears and her eyes already closed her head snapped up. Eyes wide. She had started to nod off.

Shuck sakes. Get it together. You can't be sleeping on the job! I'll get some coffee from Fry.

She slipped her hand back out and took the stethoscope out if her ears and leaned over to place it on the table. As she got up a warm hand grabbed her wrist. And pulled her back.

"Come lay down. You are falling asleep on your patience." Minho said quietly.

"I'm fine. I just need some coffee." Alex waved her other hand dismissively.

"No. Alex. Come here." Minho said sternly and he pulled her. Alex yelped in surprise.

She stumbled back. Minho wrapped his strong arms around her and rolled her over so she was now laying on the bed between him and the wall.

"Minho! That was so uncalled for!" Alex whinned.

"You need a nap Sunshine!" Minho insisted.

"I have things to do...let" her struggling was febal and and half-hearted. She really was exhausted. And Minho's strong arm had wrapped around her and wouldn't let her go.

"You can't take care of others if you're not taking care of yourself. Now. As a keeper, implementing my power and going to order you to nap."

"Can't argue...with..that." Alex yawned. Her eyes already closing. She heard Minho chuckle.

She was drifting into the black world of sleep when she felt something tugging at her feet. She peek a heavy lid open, Minho was untying her boots and pulling them off. She smiled and dropped her eyelid. She felt him laydown beside her. He laid an arm over her pulling her close and automatically she scooted closer. Her head on his arm, burying her face into his neck. His cough was still wet and phlegmy. Once he was done coughing he burried his other hand into her hair. And they were both asleep within minutes.


Alex stirred awake, low voices had woken her up. She blinked the tired haze away. Jeff was standing by the bed, smirking down at them. Minho was smirking right back.

"Is this what we call modern medicine?" Jeff asked, his question dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey, whatever makes her feel better." Minho sassed. "Besides, the chair didn't look the most comfortable."

"Does she know you climbed in beside her?"

"Nope, she has no clue." he tilted his head down to look at her, "right Princess? You have no idea, just somehow laid your head on my arm snuggled in and everything."

Alex gave them a small sleepy smile, closed her eyes and tried to bury her head back into his chest. She just wanted to go back to sleep, her head hurt and her body felt she was trampled by a heard of Grievers. Her face was also burning with embarrassment.

"See? She has no clue."

"Whatever man. You two canoodling is none of my business. She finally get the flu?" Alex could hear the exasperation in Jeff's voice.

"Sorry, our peaceful nap was interrupted."

Alex heard footsteps and the door swing

Minho shifted, so he was facing her. He propped his head up on a hand, he gently turned her chin with his other hand.

"Hey, look at me." he whispered. Alex opened her tired eyes, her head was pounding. He smiled at her, his brown eyes had their sparkle back, and he didn't look so exhausted.

"How are you feeling? I'm sorry you woke up." He whispered, his face was close enough that she felt his breath on her face.

"I feel like klunk." She whimpered.

"Come here then. It's my turn to take care of you."

His voice was quiet and gentle. He pulled her close again, wrapped the blanket around her. She closed her eyes again, and drifted off to sleep while Minho played with her hair.

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