Chapter 29: Love Note (part 3)

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"LET'S PARTY!" Minho hollard.

There was a round of cheers. Bonfires were lit, and the grill was pulled out, all kinds of snacks and drinks were placed out and music was turned on. It was beautiful, the sun had sunk low, the last rays of sunshine shot out.

Alex, Minho, the girls took a few pictures on the beach, they added in their extended family. The girls scurried off to find snacks, leaving Alex and Minho alone.

"Well, love...we did it. You finally convinced me to walk down that shuck aisle." Alex chuckled quietly.

Minho smiled slyly at her. He held her at arms length, his eyes searching every inch of her. From her bare toes up her dress to her necklace and dragon tattoo to her makeup, sparkling hazel eyes and beautiful hair. He slowly spun her, taking in the back of the dress.

"I love this tattoo." He whispered, tracing the arrow down to the compass and anchor with his fingers.

Alex shivered, his hands leaving white hot electricity where he touched. It had been years, and yet his touch still made her shiver, it was electric but it was home. It was safe.

"And just for you, Love." She whispered back, looking over her shoulder at him.

He stepped closer, so her had his chest against her back. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. Alex shivered again.

"Hey...look." Minho whispered, nodding his head, the sun had just disappeared, the very last orange rays shooting into the sky. And the first few stars came twinkling.

"Chuck, Matt, Alby, Jeff, Clint, Winston and Bark and Zach...they all came to say hey." Minho whisper gently, his lips tickling her shoulder.

"It's beautiful." Alex hummed in contentment. She closed her eyes and smiled, leaning her head back onto his chest. They stayed like that for a moment. His arms wrapped around her, their feet burried in the sand, the gentle waves lapping at them. The sound of the party behind them.

"Know what else is beautiful?" He whispered, his voice was rough all of a sudden.

Alex cocked an eyebrow, and smirked at him, "what?"

His hands slid across her silky dress and down to her butt.

"This ass in that dress! Shuck it woman!" He growled.

Alex gasped, as his hands grabbed her. She laughed pushing off him, and walked away, swing her hips a bit more, she glanced over her shoulder, and winked.

"Oh I know." She purred. "Now come get it."

Minho smirked at her and lunged forward, Alex ducked laughing. Minho spun around, fought her around the waist, and pulled her close, into her chest.

"Hmm smoken' hot wife, you teasing me?"

"Why...dear husband...would I ever do that?"

"Shuck if I know." He leaned in and kissed her gently.

"Come on, were missing our own bloody party!" Alex laughed at him, his lips still pressed against hers.

"We can't have that now, it's our shuck party! We're the gusts of honour!" He swooped her up, and carried her up the beach to the party.


"There you are!" Kenzie called.

"We were trying to find you!" Thomas threw his hands into the air exhaspirated with the couple.

"What were you two doing?" Frypan asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Man! You guys really are codependent!" Alex laughed at them, as Minho set her down.

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