Chapter 19: Payback

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Contains mature subject matter... Viewer discretion is advised

"Hey! You listening?" Alex asked, looking up from her work.

"Huh? What?" The young man in front of her stuttered.

His bright blue eyes snapped back to her. She could see a light blush rising to the surface of his face. He was quite good looking; dark brown curls, that he kept cut short, bright ocean blue eyes, his sharp cheekbones and strong jaw made him look like a Greek god, the dark tanned skin and solid muscle also helped.

Alex chuckled. "I asked what happened. I'm going to have to stitch it."

"Oh. Uh ya, okay." He smiled sheepishly at her, "were putting a fence around the tomato plants, it's really hot out and I got a bit dizzy, the saw slipped."

Alex hummed in response. She looked at him again, scrutinizing him. He had slight bags under his eyes and they looked a bit haunted.

"Were you part of the group we rescued from WICKED?" Alex asked gently.

His eyes flashed, he clenched his jaw, but he nodded.

"Sorry. I know it's a sensitive topic. However, you need to slow down. Take more breaks out of the sun and drink more water. Okay? I don't need you passing out." Alex said gently, but firmly.

He opened his mouth to protect, but Alex cut him off.

"No." Alex said louder, her hands stopped working and she looked him dead in the eye. She sighed, she reached out and gently cupped his cheek, and continued in a gentler tone, "I know they deprived you guys of proper food and then tortured you. Your body needs to heal. End of discussion. You will get back to peek health eventually." She let her hand fall back.  "Be gentle with yourself."

He deflated, hanging his head, but he nodded. Alex went back to cleaning the cut on his hand. He winced when she had to use tweezers to get some splinters out.

"So...what's your name?" Alex asked.


Alex glanced up at him, his head was turned away, looking in the corner of their make shift MedHut. Alex peeked over her shoulder to where he was looking and she smirked.

Turning back at her work, "So Simon. Anything of interest catch your eye these days?" She kept her voice casual, but smirked a bit.

His head whipped back towards her.

"No! No...not at all. Why do you ask?"

"Oh nothin'. Lots of good lookin' people around here, ya? Some shucken beautiful eye candy." She raised an eyebrow.

She turned back to the table beside her preping the needle and thread.

"Oh..uh, ya...ya I guess so." He cleared his throat and shrugged.

"Got your eye on someone, there Simon?"

Alex saw him, out of the corner of her eye, glance to the corner of the room again. She smirked even bigger.

"Not particularly, I got a sweet tooth, so I like a lot of candy."

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