Chapter 6: Be A Man

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**takes place before Alex and Thomas**

**Listen to Payten Parrish, I'll Male A Man Out Of You**

Minho was just finishing up breakfast. Ben sat across from him, finishing his coffee. Minho looked down the table at the guys. A few were done eating and laughing with the guy next to him, some were moodily pushing food around their plates. Minho ran a hand through his hair, frowning, he looked back down at the list of names. These were the new guys Alby said we're interested in becoming runners.

"Any potentials?" Ben asked.

Minho just shrugged. He looked up at his Running partner, he ran a hand down his face.

"Dude, you know there is usually only one or two shanks good enough. This group looks like we're gonna be shucked." He groaned.

"That's the spirit!" Ben stood up and patted his back.

With a sigh Minho stood up. He slammed his hands on the table, that got the attention of the guys at the table, they all pivoted their heads towards him.

"Okay you sissy shanks. You have 10 minutes to get your klunk together and over to the wall by the Map room. Bring your shuck A game." Minho growled.


The potential runners were lined up against the wall. Minho was marching in front of them, back and forth. Ben stood off to the side, an ammused expression on his face. Minho always was the bad cop, the hard ass drill Sargent during training. The harder he was on them in the beginning the faster they weed out the weak ones.

Minho stormed up the line of guys, a scowl on his face. He stopped in the middle, turned to face them, folding his large arms over his strong chest. A few guys gulped.

"Now. The Maze is no joke, one wrong move and you're done. One wrong turn, you're done. If you stop and hesitate because you're too scared or frozen, you are done for!" He barked at them.

A few guys jumped.

"Ben! I need that stop watch and list of sissies!" He called. Ben jogged over and handed him the stuff.

"Now when I say will run-"

"-where?" A kid cut in.

"Did you let me finish my sentence you shuck face?" Minho growled, his dark eyes snapped to the kid.

The kid shook his head, and stepped back.

"What's your name?"

"Steve." The kid said.

"Hmm." Was all Minho said and looked back at the clipboard and made a note.

"Before I was RUDLY interupted, you will run a lap of the Glade as fast as you can. GO!"

No one moved, confused. Except, surprisingly Steve, he took off along the wall.


The guys all jumped and scrambled to start running. Pushing guys out of the way.

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