Chapter 13: Power Squad (part 1)

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**During The Right Arm**

"Girls!" Barked Captain Ronin.

The three girls all stood at attention and saluted him, trying to keep a straight face. Kenzie broke first and snorted, which sent Alex and Brenda into fits of giggles.

Jorge and Captain Ronin sighed exhaspirated with them.  Ronin ran a hand down his face, and tried again. The girls tried to contain their giggles.

"You have two days max of silence on the combs. If we don't hear from you by then we send in back up." Ronin said, "you get in get those supplies and get out." Captain Ronin rumbled.

The girls nodded.

"We got thid big guy!" Brenda nodded turning towards the drivers side door, spinning the key chain around her finger.

"Don't worry, this is an easy mission. One truck, a few goons, what could go wrong?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow, and swung her leg over her bike and pulled her helmet on.

"Everything. Everything could go wrong." Kenzie said thoughtfully as she skipped over to the truck and climbed into the passenger side.

Alex pointed a finger at her, "truth."

"You have been hanging out with Alex too long." Jorge shook his head.

"I told her I'm a bad influence!" Alex laughed.

"Yeah, but she's a badass!" Kenzie shrugged.

Alex reved her bike engine again, she gave Brenda and Kenzie a cheeky smile

"Ready to lose?" Alex taunted.

"In your dreams, girl!" Brenda called out the window of the truck.

"Let's kick her butt!" Kenzie screamed from the passenger seat, giving Brenda a high five.

"Girls! Be careful!" Jorge called, as he slapped the hood of the truck, walking away to stand by Captain, with a worried smile.

"We're always careful, Papi!" Alex called, "You worry to much!" and slapped the tinted visor down of her helmet.

"Not enough." Captain Ronin muttered.

"I heard that!" All three girls called in unison.

Both girls reved the engines again.

"ALEX! YOU BETTER NOT BE RACING AGAIN!" Vince screamed as he ripped the door open to the garage, running towards them, "IF YOU'RE GOING TO -"

"That's our que!" Alex called. "Eat my dust, sucker!"

Alex peeled out of the garage, leaving black tire marks on the concrete floor. Brenda was right behind her, flooring the gas pedal, Kenzie whooping the whole time. They left the guys in a cloud of dust and exhaust.

"Those girls are going to be the death of me!" Jorge muttered, waving his hand trying to clear the dust.

"You have no idea. She was a handful then...and she's even worse now. We gotta get that black haired little misquote soon." Ronin grumbled, folding his arms, glowering after the girls.

Jorge nodded. He had seen Alex slowly get more and more wreckles, slowly going down a dark path.

"Black haired misquote? You mean Minho?" Jorge asked.

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