Chapter 7: Cheese Ball

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"I'm so booooppored!" Whined Clint. Banging his head on the table.

"It's so haaaaawwwt!" Alex moaned, as she flopped down onto the bed. 

The morning had been slow. There wasn't a huge project going on for the builders and the slicers weren't butchering anything today, so the MedHut wasn't as busy as it usually was.

The sun was at its peak and it was probably the hottest day Alex had experienced since arriving in the Glade 2 months ago. She could feel sweat running down her back.

"We'll probably have a few runners with heat stroke when they get back." Jeff said, tapping his chin, he was also sprawled out on a chair.

"Well what do we do until then? That's not for like another two hours!" Whined Clint as he thumped his head on the table again.

"Hey! Someone pass me that bowl of grapes!" Alex called.

"Come get it yourself ya lazy She-Bean!" Clint said rolling his head towards her, still leaning on the table.

"It's too hot to move!" Whined Alex. She hadn't moved from laying starfish on the med bed.

Everyone groaned in agreement.

"Just chuck 'em here! I'm hungry!' Alex whinned, holding a hand out.

Something bounced off her forhead.

"Heads up!" Jeff called.

"A little late, don't ya think?" Alex chuckled grabbing the grap and popped it into her mouth.

"10 points if you can make it into her mouth!" Clint said sitting up.

Jeff grinned and took another one from the bowl, grinning. Alex chuckled, and opened her mouth wide.

"OUCH! JEFF!" Alex yelped as the grape hit her in the eye, "dude your aim sucks!" She sat up rubbing her eye.

"Okay, let me try!" Clint reached for the bowl, took a grape. "Okay, Alex. Here comes!"

Clint tossed the grape high into the air. Alex dove under it, and caught it in her mouth. Clint stood up fist pumping and Alex jumped up, fists in the, chewing the grape. The two high fived.

"Write it down! 10points team Clint!" Clint called still fist pumping.

"I get 10points for catching it!" Alex said pointing at the guys.

Jeff scrambled up and rummaged around one of the drawers, found some paper and a pencil. Jeff made a chart with their names.

They took turns tossing grapes at each other. The bowl of grapes disappeared too fast and they were left bored again. Alex flopped back onto the bed. Jeff slouched back into the chair. And Clint sat down with a heavy sigh and thumped his head back into the table. A few minutes later Jeff jumped up, snapping his fingers.

"I have an idea! But Alex... you'll have to do it!" Jeff yelled.

Alex sat up, intreged, "why me?" She gave him a confused look.

He smiled mischievously. "Because your the only one who can get away with it. Because Frypan loves you!"

"Okay..." She said slowly, "I'm listening." She scooted to the edge of the bed.


Alex stood in the kitchen batting her eyelashes at Fry.

"Pleeeeease Frypan? Please!?" Alex pleaded.

Frypan stood with a frown and arms folded.

"We just got them in the supplies...and I still don't understand."

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