Chapter 28: Love Note (part 2)

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Alex stepped out of Sonya's Cottage, escorted by Jorge on one arm and Newt on the other. Sonya ushered the little girls out the door, and down the short path to the beach.

The group, with the help of Ronin and Vince had set up benches on the beach. Gally had built a beautiful simple pergola, which they laced white cloth and lights through. Once the ceremony was over there would be a big bonfire and food, drinks, dancing and fireworks.

Alex and Minho couldn't figure out who was going to be who, because everyone in their group had special places in their hearts and lives.

So they just told them to walk down the aisle with their significant other, they didn't care in which order. With the exception of Simon, he would escort Chloe and Reagan, because Newt (and Jorge) were walking Alex down the aisle.

Once everyone was lined up, a guy they found in SafeHaven who could play the violin started to play. And the ceremony began.

"Ma Hija, breath!" Jorge chuckled.

"I can't!" Alex whispered.

"Alex. You will be fine. Everyone here is because they love you and want to support you!" Newt patted her hand gently.

"'s not's...the other thing...I think... I've caught feelings! It hurts...right here," she pointed to her heart. "I...can feel it growing in size." She whispered back.

Newt snorted. Alex grinned, "shhh Newt. Don't ruin my wedding!" She scolded.

Herriot and Aris walked down the aisle first arm in arm, then Brenda and Thomas, followed by Felix and Teresa, followed by Gally and Kenzie and lastly Sonya and Fry. Then Simon walked down with the little girls, who stopped and tossed flowers and flower petals on the sandy ground. They kept giggling. They eventually made it.

Newt and Jorge stepped forwards, holding their arms out. She looped her arms into theirs holding her bouquet of wild flowers, her bare feet in the warm sand. Everyone stood up and turned towards Alex.

"Here goes nothin'!" She whispered.

"You sure about this?" Newt teased.

"I have never been more sure about anything in my whole life." She smiled at him.

Newt kissed her cheek, "then let's get you down this bloody aisle!"

"Now we're talking!"

Alex lifted her head and finally got to see Minho. Her lungs stopped working, her heart fluttered. He was beautiful. He wore a fitted white button up, sleeves rolled up showing off his biceps his tattoo peeking out the bottom, tucked into tan pants, his hair as always styled mariculously, in its signature swoop. He had a beautiful sexy smirk on his face.

When his eyes landed on Alex his jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. He quickly used the heel of his hand to wipe his cheeks.

Jorge and Newt guided Alex slowly down the middle of the benches, ever closer to Minho. The guys had kind up beside Minho and the girls lined up on the other side. Captain Ronin stood in the middle. He was going to officiate for them.

Alex and her escorts made it to the end of the aisle. Minho stepped forward. Jorge kissed Alex's temple.

"I love you." She whispered.

"Love you Ma Hija, I told you you were worth it." He whispered back. Alex smiled at them.

She turned to Newt, who gentle kissed her forehead.

"My beautiful baby sister." He whispered, tears in his warm gentle eyes, "always causing me your his trouble." He chuckled quietly.

Alex couldn't help it and she snorted. "I'll always give you trouble, dear brother! But I still love you."

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