Chapter 17: First Meetings

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** After they rescued Minho**

"ALEX! UNCLE NEWT!" a tiny voice yelled. A flash of blond hair ran up the ship ramp. 

"Raegan! Wait! Come back!" Chloe yelled, trying to chase after the little girl. 

She didn't stop. Raegan had heard Alex and Newt were back and that Alex was really hurt. Raegan took off trying to find her. She was quick and lost Chloe in the crowd. She zigg zagged through the people loading the huge ship. Her little legs took her up the ramp of the Berg. She froze when she saw Alex and Newt laying on the floor of the Berg, wires and tubes everywhere

She screamed.

It was a heartbreaking cry of a small child who had lost everything already. She ran forward only to be swooped up by big strong arms.

She fought and cried, trying desperately to get to Alex and Newt.

"Hey! Hey there little munchkin. Slim it nice and easy, peanut!" A deep male voice said.

"No! No! Alex! My Alex is there! And Uncle Newt! No! Please!" She cried, still trying to fight the strong arms.

"Your Alex?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yes! Now let me go!" She wailed.

"I'll make you a deal." He said calmly.

She stopped fighting, crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm listening."

The guy holding her laughed. It was a deep loud, belly laugh.

"You've spent time with Alex." He chuckled.

"Okay, munchkin. Here's the deal. I'll let you down. If you stop running. We can go sit beside them. But we need to be gentle." He paused. "Do we have a deal?"

Raegan thought for a moment. And nodded slowly. She was placed gently down onto the ground. She turned to see who had scooped her up. Her eyes went wide. He was tall as a giant, with big muscled arms, squinty eyes and black spiky hair. His smile made his eyes twinkle. He squatted down in front of her and held out a large hand.

"Names Minho." He said with a serious expression. Raegan hesitated, and caustusly held her own hand out.

"And your name, princess?" He asked, rasing an eyebrow.

"Raegan." She squeaked.

"Well Miss Raegan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Alex told me all about you."

Her big green eyes widened even more.

Minho smiled again, making his eyes crinkle. He stood up, and held out a hand.

"We can go see them, we just need to be careful. They got hurt, but will be okay. They are resting right now." He explained.

She slowly reached up and took his hand. Together they walked over to where Alex and Newt were sleeping.

Minho sat down, and gently brushed a kiss on her forehead. Raegan sat hesitantly  beside him. Her big green eyes wide as she looked over both Alex and Newt. Her bottom lip began to tremble. And big tears slipped over her lashes.

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