Chapter 5: The First

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Alex landed on her back in the dirt with a thud.

"Uhg. Ouch." She groaned, and laid her head down, closing her eyes.

A shadow blocked out the sun, Alex peeked an eye open. Minho's upside down face was leaning over her. He had a smirk on his sweaty face.

"Close Sunshine. Close." He chucked.

All Alex did was groan. And close her eye.

"Come on. Up ya get." Minho stepped around beside her.

"5 more minutes!" Alex moaned, not moving.

"Okay. Water break." Minho nodded, and walked away.

Alex stayed where she was, raised an arm and gave him a thumbs up. Her arm flopped back down into the hard packed earth.

She lay there trying to catch her breath. After they finished running training today Minho brought her to this clearing just inside the Deadheads and was teaching her to fight and wrestle.

She was getting better. She was a fast learner, and her muscles were slowly remembering what to do. But after hitting the ground for the fourth time she needed a minute.

The shadow was back. Minho crouched down beside her, holding a bottle of water out for her. She sat up with a groan, accepted the water. Minho sat back his knees up and his arms leaning on his knees, with his own water.

"So, Sunshine. You're already pretty good." Minho said impressed.

"Why do you sound so shocked?" Alex asked giving his knee a half-hearted push.

"Cuz your always surprising me!" Minho smiled at her.

"Was that... genuine Min? Your not being a sassy pants?" Alex smiled back at him.

He just chuckled.

Alex felt a rush of something electric from her chest and spread through her body. Her stomach exploded with butterflies.

"Come on, breaks over." Minho stood up and held a hand out for her.

"Man, your a slave driver!" Alex looked up at him, he was smirking down at her, the sun was shining through the leaves and casting shadows over his face, making his sharp chiseled face even sharper.

Shuck dude is fine.

She held her hand out and he pulled her up. They were face to face, well in Alex's case her face to his chest. She tilted her head up, and saw his dark coffee brown eyes sparkling in the trickling sun. Her breathing stopped for a moment. Minho gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, that came loose from her pony tail.

"We should get back to training." He said quietly.

His hand hadn't really left, it lingered around her jaw line. Her stomach was twisting on the most wildest rollercoaster. She could feel heat rising in her face.

"Uh, ya... probably..." She squeaked.

They stood for a moment longer just inches away from each other, looking into each other's eyes. Alex was hypothesized. Minho broke first, he cleared his throat and turned. Walked back to their stuff and tossing his water into his backpack. He stood for a moment, his back to her, rubbing his neck. Alex felt frozen to the ground. She finally got some feeling back in her legs. She forced herself to take a few steps. Dropping her water beside her stuff. She had to take a deep breath, steady her heart.


They faced off again. Alex's eyes trained on Minho as they slowly circled each other.

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