Chapter 12: Training and Warnings (part 3)

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Alex slowly woke up. Her head was sore, and she was shivering. She realized right away the reason for the shivering was the cold metal cuffs on her wrists and ankles. Her back was pressed into a cold chair.

"Ah she awakes." Said a voice she hated and feared.

"After our meeting, The Chancellor and I didn't think you quite learned your lesson. So we will be trying out something new. It has always peeked my interest, but I never had a willing candidate."

"Wonder why?" Alex sassed. She knew she was in for some kind of pain, but she couldn't help sassing off to him.

A doctor stepped for and started placing electrodes all over her body. The wires were hooked up to some kind of computer and monitor, it had a huge dial of some kind.

"We are going to see how high your pain tolerance really is, especially as our first subject in our Herculean Trials. Making super soldiers with minimal pain receptors." Janson said with glee.

Without any more explanation, he flicked a switch. And turned the dial.

Alex muscles started to burn, like she ran too hard.

He turned the dial again and the burning got stronger, it was a deep daul ache. Janson turned it again and the ache grew into a burning. This is how it went. He turned the dial one notch at a time and the pain increased. Alex was now sweating and panting, a few tears had slipped through her clamped eyelids. Her hands clamped down onto the arm rests, but she couldn't move much.

"Did you learn yet, Subject A0?" Janson asked, in a sweet voice that made Alex want to scream.

"Shuck you, Rat Man!" Alex hissed through a clamped jaw.

He sighed. "Too bad."

He twisted the dial a few times, the pain jumped and she let out a sharp cry.

"Now we're getting somewhere."

He twisted it again, a few times.

Alex had thrown her head back and screamed. It felt like all her muscles were being ripped apart, fiber by fiber. Her stomach heaved and she threw up.

He twisted it again, Alex's screams were constant now, she withered in pain, trying to twist away from the restraints, trying to curl up, in on herself, trying very hard to escape this pain. Her screams echoed off the walls and down the hall. Anyone walking down the hall froze, eyes wide.

Eventually her pain riddled body broke, her mind couldn't take any more pain. She didn't know how long she was strapped down and put through that pain, but eventually her mind had enough and it shut down. It finally took her away from the pain.


Alex woke with a start, gasping as she sat up. Before her mind could fully comprehend what was going on she scrambled backwards.

"Hey. Hey. Hey, it's okay. Your okay now."

Alex blinked a few times, her fuzzy vision came into sharper focus.

She was sitting in a bed, in a bright white clean room. Minho sat beside her, holding his hands out, trying to get ahold of her.

Alex's wild arms slowed down, Minho was able to finally grab onto her arms and pulled her close. Alex slumped into him and sobed. He held her tight and she held onto him, his shirt clenched tight in her fists.

Alex cried because they took Newt, they took Bark and then they took Sonya. She cried because Janson just tortured her for the shuck fun of it. She cried in fear for what they would do if they found out about Minho and her.

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