Chapter 30: Love Note (part 4)

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**Some spicy kissing, sexual tension**

Minho slid up to Alex and Thomas.

"So do I finally get a dance with my bride?" Minho asked.

Thomas chuckled and spun Alex over to Minho who caught her and spun her away and into his chest.

"All yours Shank!" Thomas called and bowed.

"Hello handsome." Alex purred, looking up at his beautiful coffee eyes.

"Hello gorgeous." He growled looking down at her.

He leaned down and placed his forehead on hers and slowly spun in slow circles with her.

Alex felt a tug on her arm. She broke apart from Minho and looked down, Raegan was standing there, looking a little dishevelled and very tired.

"Yes love?" Alex asked bending down.

"Abuelo is taking us to his place now. Good night Mama!" She flung her arms around Alex's neck and hugged her tight.

"Good night baby girl. I'll see you in the morning. You look beautiful."

She let go. Minho held his arms open and she ran into them, he picked her up, holding her tight.

"You look beautiful my princess. Did you have a good day?" He asked.

She nodded her head, with a sleepy smile.

"Good. I'm glad. We'll see you in the morning."

He kissed her forehead and placed her down. Just as Chloe and Jorge walked up. Chloe hugged Alex tight.

"You also looked absolutely beautiful. Zach would be very proud of the young lady you are growing up to be." Alex said gently, holding Chloe's face. She smiled at Alex. A few tears in her big brown eyes.

"Thanks Mama." Chloe smiled.

Chloe turned to Minho " Min...thank you. I love you. Thank you." The tears leaking over the eyelashes and slid down her face.

"Come here kiddo." He smiled gently at her.

He held his arms open and Chloe burried her face in his chest. He held her tight.

"I won't try to replace your father or Zach...but I'll always be there for you. Cross my heart. I know I ain't that much older...but I'll do my shuck best."

"I don't really remember my father..bits and pieces. But .. are my dad. I choose you. You chose me...I choose you." He hugged her tighter, tears in his eyes.

"Me too! I choose you too Papa!" Reagan called and ran into the hug. Minho lifted her up in one arm, and held Chloe tight with the other.

"I think mama needs in on this hug!" Minho smiled.

"Yes!" The girls called.

Alex stepped closer and wrapped her arms around her family, holding them close.

"What about Papi Abuelo Jorge? He needs in on this hug now!" Alex giggled.

"Yes!" The girls and Minho giggled.

Jorge chuckled and stepped up and wrapped everyone into a big hug.

"Don't tell anyone else, but your my favourites!" He winked at the girls, making them giggle more. He kissed everyone on the head.

"Okay. Time for bed." Alex finally said.

The group hug split apart. Jorge ushered the girls away to his place, holding their hands.
Alex and Minho watched them go, her arm around his waist, his arm over her shoulder.

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