Chapter 23: New Shanket (part 2)

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The Alex and Vivian stood at the weapons table. Alex was leaning on it, arms and legs crossed, a scowl on her face.

"Take your pick honey. I'm waiting for you." Alex yawned.

She had her knives strapped to her thigh a gun with the rubber training belts on the other and a bow with two quives full of arrows on her back. She had pulled her outer shirt off, leaving her in a tight tank top, her cargo shorts and her combat boots.

Vivian was slowly picking through the weapons, wrinkling her nose.

"Come on Shank, we don't have all day. You stalling?" Alex asked again, she had brought out a knife and was flipping and catching it.

She didn't say anything, just picked up a long machete. Twirling the king knife back and forth. Alex had to admit, she did have some half decent form.

"So. Where were you hiding all these years?" Alex asked, still spinnirhee knife.

Vivian stopped and looked over at Alex.


"How did you stay hidden for so long? How did WICKED not find you? " Alex asked, she was genuinely qurious.

"I lived with a group. We made a little camp or whatever in the mountains, away from everyone. They took care of me. Men do a lot for you when you bat your eyelashes."

"So...they got caught by WICKED and you hid?" Alex asked in disgust.

Vivian shrugged.

Alex's anger boiled, how could someone be so selfish and cowardly? Hiding and making others do everything you? Not caring if one of your group members was captured?

"Well maybe where you came from you can do shit like that. But here everyone has a part and everyone does it, and we all fight for each other. If not...and you try pulling that selfish cowardly crap here I'll ship you back to the mainland, with a smile and a wave." Alex shrugged.

"Is that a call you can actually make, though?" She asked, raising a challenging eyebrow.

"Oh no, not directly. But you see...unlike you, I have weight around here, they listen to me.." she paused, Alex askedpointing her knife casually at Vivian. "Nut who says I need their permission?"

"Hmm. We'll see. Like I said, I always get what I want. And right now. It's to whoop your ass, humiliate you and take your man." She hissed.

Alex just didn't understand this chick. Alex turned to face her, her eyes narrowed, arms folded. Alex could feel her hands shaking and a boiling heat in her chest.

"You have the whole island to pick from and you go after the one who's taken? Why?" She spat.

"Because he has power. And he's hot. He's definitely the one in charge, and would be beneficial to have in my back pocket."

"All very true." Alex agreed with a smug look, "but you missed a few things, he's loyal, will fight for his loved ones, and he's good in bed, and your right...he does get the job done." Alex pushed off the table with a wink.

Vivian ground her teeth, fumming

"I always get what I want." She repeated.

"Get used to disappointment sweetheart." Alex laughed diabolically.

She sauntered up to the group, wrapped her arms around a still shirtless Minho and kissed him. Quiet roughly. The group standing around wolf whistled. Minho wrapped one arm around her back, his hand on her butt, the other buried into her hair and dipped her low, kissing her right back.

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