Double Date

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What if Max and Lucas went on a double date with Dustin and Suzie



(Suzie is in the Party)

(Suzie lives in Hawkins with everyone and Max is ok and the Party got a house together)

It was 5pm and Dustin and Suzie were being bored out of their mind, lying down on the sofa, with their legs draped across the armrest, thinking about nothing.

"Dusty-Bun i'm bored." Suzie had finally said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Me too, Suzie-Poo." Dustin responded. "What do you wanna do?"

Suzie jumped up as she had an idea. Dustin sat up as well. He knew that whenever she jumped up like that she had thought of something.

"What is it?" He questioned.

"Do you wanna go on a double-date with Max and Lucas, remember when I first got here, they said we should do it?" Dustin nodded his head and smiled. He grabbed her hand and walked toward Max and Lucas' room together.


Max moaned out as Lucas kissed her neck just below her jawline which he knew was her sensitive spot and whenever they would have a hot make out session or something more, he would always kiss that particular spot. He let his hands roam around the naked top half of her body as she was lying down on the pallet on the floor that Lucas had made for them. He began to undo the buttons on her shorts when they heard a knock on the door. Lucas covered her mouth to muffle the pleasant sounds leaving her.

"Who is it?" Lucas asked.

"It's me and Suzie." Dustin replied

"We wanted to ask if you and Max wanna go on a double date with us?" Suzie added hopefully.

"Like you promised." Dustin mentioned.

Max took Lucas' hand away from her mouth and mouthed later, because she didn't want to leave yet as she was having the best time of her life.

"Can we go later?" Lucas finally responded not wanting to go either, going to kiss her lips softly.

"NO! Now stop getting down and dirty, put your clothes back on and meet us in the car in 20 minutes!" Dustin exclaimed and left to go and call Steve to come and take them.

Lucas groaned and lay down next to Max who just laughed in response.

"Come on, let's go, we can finish this later." Max said while getting up. She stood up, stretched out and scolded Lucas to stop staring at her like a stalker. She did her buttons back up and put her shirt and jacket which was on the floor on and Lucas stood up as well and changed back into his clothes and when he was done, he saw Max fixing her hair in front of the mirror. He went over to her and gave her a back hug and kissed her cheek. She smiled and turned around to face him and gave him a soft sweet kiss and walked out of the room with him, hand in hand.

They walked over to where Dustin and Suzie were, the living room, and asked them where they wanted to go. Dustin and Suzie both wanted to go to the Science Museum but Max and Lucas both said no in union. They wanted to go ice skating so they did a coin toss - Science Museum is heads and Ice Skating is tails. The coin went up in the air and when they revealed the answer, they saw tails was facing up. They all got jackets and waited for Steve. Dustin was telling Suzie some science joke while Lucas kept whispering things into Max's ear which made her giggle, which made Dustin look at them very bemused as no one had ever heard Max giggle.

Soon enough, Steve came and pretty much bickered with Dustin the whole way there. Steve in the drivers seat. Dustin behind him, Suzie next to Dustin. Max and Lucas in the very back, looking at each other with love eyes which Suzie thought was absolutely adorable.

At last, they eventually got there and Steve told them to be ready at 9 so he could come pick them up. They tried to push it to 10 but Steve being Steve said 9:30 which they reluctantly agreed on and went inside.

Within the first 5 minutes of skating, it became known that Lucas could not skate and so Max made it her mission to teach him. She showed him to keep on changing between his left and right foot and after about 20 minutes he had finally got the hang of it and him and Max held hands as they glided around the rink before they slipped on the ice and went crashing down with Lucas falling on top of her. They both laughed before locking eyes with each other. She looked into his soft chocolate brown eyes as he looked into her mysterious ocean blue ones. They smiled at each other as Lucas tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she blushed and leaned in to kiss her and she leaned in as well and the lips met and lasted for 4 - 5 seconds before Dustin told them to stop as quote "sucking face" while Suzie slapped on his chest.

Lucas got up and helped Max get her balance as well and went to join Dustin and Suzie and they just had fun with each other and joked around until Steve came to pick them up.

A/N: Hope you liked this :)

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