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What If Max and Lucas got into an argument and they apologise after it and be all lovey dovey and the party teases them for it.

(Angst) (Fluff)

(Takes place sometime after season 4 - Max was never in a coma - They are together)

Lucas was getting ready to go over to Max's trailer to spend some time with her, and he has to admit, things have been a lot better ever since the whole Vecna thing, it has brought them a lot closer and she has started to open up to him about her feelings and vice versa. Their relationship is a lot stronger than before in 1985 and sometimes when they were alone, they would either just joke around with each other, or make out.

When he was putting his shoes on, there was a sound coming out of his walkie, he went over to it and heard the voice more clearer, when he opened the top part of it.

"Lucas, do you copy? This is Mike, over." Mike said.

"Yeah, I copy. What do you want? Over." Lucas asked.

"Me, Will, and Dustin are playing Atari in my basement, are you coming? Over." Mike questioned.

"No, I'm hanging out with Max, I'm literally on my way there, now. Over." Lucas answered.

"Oh, come on, man. You're always with Max." Mike whined.

"No, I'm not." Lucas retorted. "And anyway, she is my girlfriend."

"Well, I don't care. Seriously, though, when is the last time you hung out with us?" Mike queried, stubbornly. Lucas thought about it for a minute, and knew that he wanted to hang out with Max, but he also knew that Mike wouldn't let this go, and so decided to go over to the Wheelers'. But first, he had to somehow tell Max that he would be ditching her for his friends.


Max was eating her breakfast, butter on toast, while just thinking about some things. Mainly Lucas. She didn't know where she would be without him. When she was stuck in Vecna's mind lair, most of her memories that saved her were of Lucas. And ever since then Lucas has been listening to her, about her thoughts and feelings. And she can't help but think that maybe, a good thing did come out of her being cursed, as it has brought them a lot closer together. She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts, when her walkie went off. As she was eating in her room, she put the plate on the bedside table and reached under the bed to grab the walkie. She opened the top of it, and smiled when she found out who it was. Lucas.

"Max, do you copy. Over." Lucas asked.

"Yeah, I'm here. Over." Max said back.

"Umm... I can't come over today." Lucas stated nervously.

"Oh okay, why?" Max questioned, disappointed but curious.

Lucas mouthed "shit" as he searched his brain for an answer and quickly replied with a lame excuse. "I... have a family thing, today. I totally forgot about it."

Max knew he was lying by the tone of his voice, but dismissed it as she decided to confront him about it later in person. "Ok, then, alright bye." Max said, as normally as she could, and decided to go to the Byer's house, where Eleven was living.

Her, Will, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce were all living there together. Eleven was still in hiding, but she could go out to her friend's houses and of course Mike's, but she had to wear a hood over her head, as she still had a slightly shaved head.

Since Max went over there a lot, she had been given a key to the house so she could let herself in. She went upstairs to her best friend's room, who was painting, a hobby that she had gotten into recently. Max knocked on her door and was allowed to come in and jumped onto the bed and lay down.

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