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What if Max wore Lucas' clothes


(Max woke up from her coma and her bones are healed and her eyes are fine)

"Lucas, stop." Max said while laughing while Lucas tackled her down on the bed tickling her.

They were home alone at Lucas' house as Erica was at Tina's house for a sleepover and his parents were at his Uncle Jack's house for a few days. Lucas then stopped tickling Max and instead showered her face with kisses. Ever since, Max had gone into a coma, he realised that he couldn't lose her again and tried to show his appreciation for her everyday and the day that she came out of her coma he had expressed his love for her and she had done the same. It was now a regular thing if they said I love you to each other and there was no awkwardness between them whenever they did say it.

Lucas let go of her and buried his face into the crook of her neck and whispered something into her ear that made her blush.

"I love you so much, MadMax." Lucas mumbled, even though Lucas said it daily, it still made her face go red.

"I love you too." Max said, her face showing a smiling expression. She loved it whenever Lucas said these sweet nothings. She never knew how caring and charming he could be. Even though Lucas couldn't see her face, he knew that her face was reddening, and that caused him to smile more.

He lifted his head up from her neck a little bit and kissed down it softly. Max had loved this and it made her skin tingle every time his lips were in contact with it. He stopped his motions to kiss her lips and it was like a blazing fire was erupting inside of Max. He picked her up and brought her to lay down on his pillows without breaking the kiss. He went on top of her, leaning on his elbows to stop putting all of his weight on her. She pulled away for a small breath before going back in. She deepened the kiss and put her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

They continued on like that for 15 minutes more, before Max checked the time to see it was 11 o'clock and decided to have a shower. Lucas went downstairs watching a film while waiting for Max to finish so he could have one as well. When Max came out of her shower, she didn't feel like wearing her own garments so wore Lucas' clothes that smelt of him. She decided on a simple black t-shirt and some grey joggers.

She went downstairs to see Lucas lying down on the sofa, with his eyes closed, knowing that he was not sleeping but relaxing. She went on top of him, looking up at him with a smile on her face and rested her arms around his muscular frame. He opened his eyes and saw Max wasn't wearing her own clothes, but his. He didn't know what it was about her wearing his clothes, but it made her look so damn attractive and make him want to kiss her. His thoughts were cut short though.

"I know what you're thinking, Stalker." Max said with a mischievous smile.

"Kiss me." She said before he smashed his lips onto hers, bringing her in for a deep passionate kiss. He did not need to be told twice to do that. Soon enough, all of Max's thoughts from her head were swiped, leaving only one: Lucas.

He picked her up, making her legs go around his waist and her arms around his neck and led them up to his bedroom, laying her down gently onto his bed and went on top of her and and trailed his hands down to her waist and gripped it as she let go of his neck and tugged on his shirt, signalling she wanted it off. He granted her request and took it off, before returning back to the kiss as she trailed her fingers down his toned chest. She also took her shirt off and let's just say they had a very fun and long night.


Hoped you liked this :)

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