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What if Max and Lucas confess their love for each other and feel super loved together.


Max was going for a walk to just think. She loved to do that to just go explore her mind and to just take a break away from everything. She was listening to the birds chirping a song, when she saw Lucas coming towards her on his bike. She waved at him with a smile as he returned it.

"Hey, Stalker." She greeted him with a kiss.

"Hey, MadMax, what are you doing?" He asked as he returned the kiss.

"Just thinking." She replied.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Lucas, stop worrying about me, I'm fine, okay." Max reassured him. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I came to find you. I thought we could hang out together today, if you want." Lucas suggested.

Max smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that." She hopped on to the back of his bike and hugged him from behind.

" She hopped on to the back of his bike and hugged him from behind

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(Kind of like this.)

He smiled at the gesture and began the journey to his house. When they got there, Lucas parked his bike in the front garden and they made their way inside. His parents were at work and Erica was at Tina's house, probably gossiping. He thought this would be a great time to tell Max of his feelings as no one was around to interrupt them. They went into his room and while Max looked around at everything, from his tidy stack of comic books to his neatly folded pile of clothes, it amazing her every time she saw it, Lucas shut the white wooden door quietly.

"So what do you wanna do?" Max spoke up.

"I need to talk to you." He answered, as he went over to his bed to sit on it. She followed and awaited his response.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now." He started, taking her hands in his. She looked down at their hands, before looking back up at his face. "Do you remember that day, on the bus in the junkyard, all those years ago?" She nodded, wondering how she could ever forget it as it was one of the most memorable nights of her life. "I knew you were special, ever since you opened up to me. There was something in your ocean blue eyes that I saw that night and I still see it every time I look in them. I don't know what it is to this day, but you are the most special and amazing person I have ever met Max. Don't forget that." Max feels her heart warm from these words and never knew Lucas felt like this. "Pretty much all of my happy memories are with you. You've got a smile that can light up a whole town, you can brighten up my whole day, by just being here with me, everything about you from your fiery red hair, to your beautiful personality, I love Max. I love you." He finished off with. Max begins to feel tears prick her eyes, never thinking she could feel like this, so cherished, so loved, so... whole.

"I don't expect you to say it back, but I just thought you should know." She reacted to this by engulfing him into a hug and started crying happy tears. "Woah, you okay?" He asked in concern.

"I'm fine, Lucas you don't know how much that meant to me. I love you too." She admitted, making him smile wide. "All of this time I have but I just didn't want to say that I did, in case you left me, but now I know that you will never, and I am so grateful for you, so thank you." They hugged again but tighter this time, not wanting to let go of each other, before Max pulled away to lean in for a kiss and he kissed back, before pulling away and they both smiled at each other, not remembering the last time they had felt this happy.

A/N: Thank you for the idea stloverrr45

I hoped you liked this, even though it's short.

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