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What if Max and Lucas had a secret relationship and hid it from the Party.


Max and Lucas have had a secret relationship for 2 years and is surprised no one has found out yet. It's been a long time and these 2 years have been Max's most happiest years.

Max was now on her way to meet Lucas at the junkyard. She was supposed to be hanging out with the Party but didn't feel like seeing all of them so decided to just be with Lucas.

Lucas also made an excuse saying how he had a family event to go to and couldn't go over to Mike's. He was planning to hang out with the Party but Max called him, wanting to meet at the junkyard. He decided he would rather be with his girlfriend than his friends, so now he was waiting for her on top of the bus.

Once Max finally got there, she saw Lucas looking away from where she had come from. A cheeky smile came on her face as she carefully tiptoed her way towards the entrance of the bus and climbed up the ladder quietly. He hadn't noticed her presence as his body was turned the other way.

She then jumped on him and shouted "boo" and he shrieked.

Max laughed at him as he turned towards her.

"Max, that wasn't funny!" Lucas said, annoyed.

"Oh, but it was." She said, rolling onto her back, still giggling.

"Okay, you can stop now." He stated, rolling his eyes.

Max just chuckled in response..

He got an idea which made him smile to himself and before Max knew it, he was on top of her.

"Hey," She smiled into his soft brown eyes.

"Hi," He smiled back into her ocean blue eyes.

He moved his hands to her hips and her arms looped around his neck.

They both leaned in until their lips met. Lucas loved the way her lips felt. So soft again his. He wishes he could stay in this moment forever, loving the feeling. The feeling of forgetting everything around you. The feeling that it's just him and her. No one else. The carefree feeling.

But they eventually have to pull away for air.

They lean their foreheads against each other when Lucas says, "I love you."

It makes Max smile. Every time he tells her, it makes butterflies appear in her stomach and brings a smile to her face.

"I love you too." She smiles and put a hand on his cheek and kisses him softly, smiling into the kiss.

They pull away after about 10 seconds and Lucas kisses her cheek gently. He gets off her and helps her sit up.

Lucas then gets his sketchbook out along with a pencil.

He gives it to Max and she gladly takes it and smiles. No one but him knows her secret hobby. Drawing. She loves to draw. Her favourite thing to draw is people. She doesn't get to do that a lot though, since no one knows about her passion. But Lucas always offers for her to draw him and she loves it for two reasons. A - She gets to draw. And B - She gets to admire him but has an excuse for why she's looking at him.

It takes about 2 hours. But she is finally done with the picture. She gives it to him with a shy expression and he takes it. When he looks at it, he looks at it with awe in his eyes.

"Max, this is amazing." He looks at her, seeing the timid look on her face.

He loves moments like this, where she can be herself with him and not have to put up walls around herself and act tough all the time. He knows she's tough but she doesn't want to have to be that all the time, so the time where she's alone with Lucas is when she can be the most vulnerable.

"Thank you." She smiles softly.

She then checks her watch for the time and realises that it's getting late.

"We should head back now. It's getting late." She tells him.

"Alright." He turns around and put the drawing neatly in his bag as it's delicate.

They both get on their bikes and start their journey.

After 10 minutes, Lucas hears a sound from his walkie and picks it up.

"Lucas, do you copy? Over." He hears Mike say.

"Yeah. What's up? Over." He replies.

"We need you to come over to mine. Bring Max. Over." Mike states.

"Why do I have to bring her? She's literally got her own bike and walkie. Over."

"Because we know she's with you. So hurry up and haul ass. Stat. Over and out." Mike announced.

"You think they know about us?" Max asks him.

"There's no way." Lucas shakes his head.


When they get to the Wheelers', Nancy opens the door and lets them in. They go down to the basement and see everyone standing up and staring at them.

"What's going on?" Max questions.

"We know about you two dating." Will is the first one to speak.

"So you dragged us all the way to tell us something we already know?" Max furrowed her eyebrows.

"So you're not gonna deny it?" Dustin asks.

"Why would we? Friends don't lie." Lucas says, taking Max's hand.

"Yeah, well, why didn't you tell us before?" Eleven questions, standing next to Mike.

"We just didn't feel like it. We liked the adventure." Lucas shrugged.

"Can we go now? I'm tired." Max says.

"Yeah, sure." Mike speaks.

Max leads Lucas up the stairs and outside.

"Well, the adventures over, I guess." Max picks up her bike.

"Not necessarily. Only they know. No one else." Lucas gets on his bike.

"You do have a point."

"I always have a point." He smiles.

"Oh my God." She playfully rolls her eyes and they ride their bikes home.

A/N: I hope you liked this :)

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