Why Haven't You Asked Me?

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What If Lucas and Max were going to prom together.

(Eleven goes to school with them all.)

It was approximately 7 days before the day of prom would take place and Lucas was stressing over how to ask Max fearing she would decline the offer.

"Dude, why are you stressing so much?" Mike asked in annoyance as he, Lucas, Will and Dustin sat at their usual table, picking at the disgusting food sitting in front of him.

"Because, Max will probably say no. I mean, can you imagine her wearing a dress, willingly?" He questioned as they all looked around at each other, before looking back at him, staying silent. "Exactly."

"Well, I'm sure she won't say no, because it is all El is talking about. She can probably convince Max to come." Will says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, you're right. I still don't know how I'm gonna ask her, though." Lucas reveals.

"Well, I've got nothing to worry about. I've already asked El and she of course said yes." Mike said with a smile on his face. Dustin and Will rolled their eyes, not wanting to hear about Mike's boring love life.

"Well, Suzie won't be able to make it, so how about me and you just hang out, Will?" Dustin offered, and Will agreed with a smile, trying to get over the fact he is the only one without a partner. Lucas zoned out after that and tried to think of a way to ask Max.


Max and Eleven were in the library, in a corner at the back just talking.

"Do you wanna get ready at my house, for the prom? You can help me do my hair and make up and pick out a dress and I can help you." Eleven offered with her legs crossed on a chair as Max sat opposite her, doing the same action.

"Wait, Mike already asked you?" Max asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Hasn't Lucas asked you?" El queried, wondering why Lucas hasn't done so.

"No. If he doesn't do it by tomorrow, he is so going to get it." Max asked in disappointment, which then turned into anger.

1 day later...

It was the end of the school day and Max and Lucas were going over to Max's place.

On the way there Max was very angry at him as he had still not asked her, even though they were together the whole day and Lucas could sense she was mad at him, but didn't know why.

"Max, angel, what's wrong?" Lucas questioned, taking one hand off the steering wheel and using it to hold Max's hand and stroking her knuckles with his fingers.

"Nothing's wrong, aside from the fact, that you don't like me anymore." Max commented harshly, making him crease his eyebrows in confusion.

"What makes you think that?" He asked, bemused, looking over at her.

"Well, you haven't asked me to prom. I mean even Mike asked El." Max stated, bitterly.

Lucas gulped, as he knew this conversation was going to come up, but he didn't want it to be brought up like this.

"We'll talk about it when we get there, okay?" Lucas eventually said, trying to delay the conversation. Max didn't say anything and continued to look out the window.

They got there and Max went straight to her bedroom after she threw her keys in the glass bowl and dropped her bag down on the wooden floor. Lucas followed her and saw as she plopped down on her bed. She looked at him with a glare, waiting for his excuse as to why he hadn't asked her.

"Well?" Max asked, after a minute as he had still not said anything.

"Umm... well... I was just figuring out how to ask you." Lucas revealed.

"Are you serious, right now?" Max questioned. He looked at her with confusion as she spoke her next words. "All you have to say is 'Hey Max, do you wanna go to prom.' It's not that hard Lucas, so come on tell me what's the real reason." She said, sitting up now.

"Well, I thought you would think it's all cheesy and not wanna go so I was trying to think of how to convince you to go with me." He admitted.

Max took a deep breath as she was about to confess something she has never told anyone before. " If I tell you something, you wouldn't tell anyone, right?"

"I promise I won't say anything to anyone." He gave her a soft smile, urging her to go on.

"I've always wanted to go to prom." Lucas' eyes widened, not expecting that to come out of her mouth. "It's true. I've always wanted to wear a dress, not pink though." He chuckled at this and smiled. "I've always wanted to get ready with a best friend, in this case, El. I've always wanted to dance with the person I like. I've always admired the whole thing, even though I tried to not show it."

"Well in that case then, Max Mayfield, would you do me the honor of being my date to the prom?" He asks, with a smile coming closer to her.

"I gladly will, Lucas Sinclair." She says standing up, looking up at him with a smile. He tucks a loose strand of hair, behind her ear, strokes her soft, now blushing, cheek and leans in to kiss her, while her hands are on his strong, defined arms and she leans in to kiss him back. They pull away and rest their foreheads against each other with closed eyes and a smile.

A/N: This part 1 of 2. Thank you for the idea, Salmastar1000. I hope you liked this. I am so sorry it took me a long time to post this. Part 2 will be out in like 2 days or something. Bye. :)

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