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What if Max has a boy best friend and Lucas starts to get jealous

(Fluff) (Angst)

Recently Max has been spending time with a guy named Bradley and Lucas very much did not like Bradley. He noticed that Max was spending more time with him than her own boyfriend. He didn't know why, but he was jealous, and he did not plan on telling Max that as he knew she would tease him on it.

Today, the Party plus Bradley were going to be hanging out in Mike's basement just to catch up and have a movie night. The first ones to get there were Lucas and Eleven and then El said something that he thought he would never hear.

"I don't like Max's friend." Lucas' eyes widened in shock because usually El liked everyone she met after getting to know them.

"Why not?" He questioned. Eleven thought about it for a minute, trying to choose her words carefully before she responded.

"He tries to do things. To Max." Lucas clenched his jaw in anger, but still needed to know all the details before he did something.

"What kind of things?" Lucas asked in rage, balling up his fists.

"He tries to hug her and hold her, like the way you do." This made Lucas even more furious, and El could sense this, so she quickly spoke to calm him down. "But don't worry she stops him." That is when Mike came back down to the basement and soon after everyone else came, and Lucas had a plan for what was going to occur tonight and it would not be pretty.

When Max came, she came with Bradley which made Lucas roll his eyes but made sure to be extra flirty towards Max in front of him.

"Hey Max." Lucas greeted her, while getting up from the couch, walking towards her and putting his hands on her waist.

"Hey." She replied, putting her hands on his chest and smiled. He kissed her, not small pecks but a long passionate one which she returned which made Bradley roll his eyes, which Eleven saw and gave him a death stare, which he saw and gulped.

"Wow. I was not expecting that." She said after he pulled away, which made him chuckle. He completely ignored Bradley and took Max's hand and led her to the couch and held her close to him.

"Are you gonna die on me or something?" She joked.

"No. I just missed my beautiful girlfriend." He said with an eye roll at first, but then changed his facial expression into a smile.

This made Max blush, but quickly hid it with sarcasm. "You literally saw me yesterday."

"Yeah and I missed you. Also, don't try and hide your blush, it's cute." He said with a smile, but she just rolled her eyes. Bradley absolutely hated seeing them together and wanted Max all to himself. Max and Lucas continued talking some more, while Dustin and Will talked about Star Wars, Mike went upstairs to grab the snacks while Eleven kept watching Bradley as he tried to avoid eye contact with her.

After about 20 minutes, the film and snacks were ready and the Karate Kid started playing. 10 minutes in, Lucas made an excuse to go to the bathroom and then Max scolded him for it, saying he should've gone before the movie started. He watched from the top of the stairs as Bradley made no hesitation to go sit next to Max, which made him clench his jaw, but reminded himself that he would only have to wait a few more minutes then he could interfere.

And as predicted, after about 5 minutes, Bradley moved even more closer to her, and then put his arm around her, when he pretended to yawn. Max noticed this and then moved away from him, closer to El, but he stopped her by grabbing her hand forcefully. Lucas decided enough was enough, and raced down to the bottom of the stairs towards them.

"HEY! GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF HER!" He demanded, pulling the collar of his shirt. Dustin paused the movie as everyone turned to see what was going on and Bradley stood up, with a daring look on his face.

"Or what?" He asked audaciously.

"You really don't want to know, but if I see you touch her like that again, you're gonna be wishing you were never born." Lucas stated, with his jaw clenched. Bradley nodded with a sarcastic smile, before trying to land a blow to his face, but Lucas saw it coming and ducked and punched him on his nose. It was now bleeding, but he didn't care. Max got up now and went in between the two boys.

"Ok. Both of you stop it now. And anyway Lucas, who said he can't touch me." She asked him. Lucas was confused, while Bradley had a smug smile plastered on his face.

She turned to Bradley. "Can I touch you?"

Lucas was angry, as he never thought Max would say that in his wildest dreams. Bradley was feeling arrogant and thought he was better than Lucas, especially when she said that.

"You are more than welcome, babe." He replied with a smile.

"Good." She smiled and punched his mouth, and then kicked his downstairs area.

"A, never call me babe and B, don't you dare touch me like that again or you will regret it big time. Consider this a warning. Now get out!" She stated harshly. Lucas smiled at her and pulled her closer to him as they watched him run upstairs and leave the house.

The Party congratulated Max on the way she dealt with him and then her and Lucas left to go on a walk. "Wow. You really are badass." Lucas said with a smile as they stopped to sit by a tree.

"I thought you would know that about me by now." Max replied with a smile.

"You had me scared there for a second, when you asked to touch him." Lucas revealed.

"Well, I knew he was trying to get with me, from the moves he was doing, and I wanted to deal with him myself, after seeing how jealous you were." Lucas' eyes widened in shock, not knowing how Max knew about his emotions.

"Don't act so surprised, Stalker, I could see it from a mile away." Max said, making him grow red in the face, which made her smile, knowing what kind of effect she has on him.

He was about to say something, when Max leaned in to kiss him, which he returned and then that turned into a hot make out session.

A/N: Thank you for the idea, Salmastar1000 and stloverrr45

Hope you liked this :)

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