Make Out

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What if Max and Lucas ditched the party

No one's POV:

(Between season 2 and 3)



Max and Lucas were spending time together at the arcade, of course with the rest of the party, minus El as she was still in hiding. They had just finished playing Dig-Dug and Max had beaten Dustin once again as she had been doing every time they played. Lucas always cheered her on and Dustin was a bit annoyed but enjoyed it nevertheless even though he tried to hide it. Will had recovered pretty much from the events of the year before. Mike always visited Eleven when he could. Dustin accepted the fact that he blew his chance with Max but they stayed good friends.

"Haha Dustin, I only beat you for the 100th time." Max joked as she held Lucas' hand coming out of the arcade.

"It's not funny Max, but one day I will beat you." Dustin said with a small frown on his face.

"Yeah, ok." Max dismissed as she laughed. Lucas smiled as he stared at the girl who was holding his hand as she laughed and made fun of Dustin. He couldn't quite understand what he had done to deserve this perfect girl who he could now call his girlfriend. Max had noticed what he was doing and made a mental note to call him out when they were alone.

"Hey guys, let's go to my house and on the way there, I can pick El up." Mike suggested to the Party. They all nodded.

"When we get there, can we play D&D?" Will asked hopefully, knowing that they hadn't played in forever.

"No!" They all said, leaving Will to be upset, but no one noticed except Max. Max let go of Lucas' hand and went next to Will and tried to console him.

"Will, maybe we can play next time. I just think everyone is too tired to play today." Max said comfortingly. Will nodded his head.

"Yeah, you're probably right, thanks."

"No problem." Max said with a soft smile.

She went back to Lucas who was in front of the Party and held his hand and smiled at him who returned it. While they were waiting for the rest of the Party, who were back chatting Keith, Max had finally got the chance to call him out.

"I caught you staring at me, Don Juan. So smooth." Max said sarcastically with a smirk. Lucas took this as a chance to get her caught off guard as this was a new nickname.

"Don Juan, huh? If my memory serves me correctly, that means I am more or less attractive." Lucas said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Well, I liked how you looked before, but now these muscles are a definite bonus." Max replied, feeling up and down his arms, while looking at him. Lucas chuckled at this and leaned in to kiss her and pushed her back so she was leaning against the wall. He moved his hands lower to her waist and she moved her hands to his chest.

"Seriously guys, stop sucking face, we already have enough of that with him and El." Dustin remarked, pointing at Mike. Mike turned red in the process and looked down, leaving Will to laugh a little.

Max turned red and then mumbled a sentence that only Lucas could hear.

"Let's go to my house and finish this, now." Max said without making eye contact.Lucas subtly nodded.

"Guys, I can't come to Mike's, Billy will kill me, if I don't go home now, he said to be home at 5 and now it's 4:50." Max lied, looking at her watch and left, leaving Lucas a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh, my god! I'm gonna get grounded if I'm not home soon, my mom is gonna freak, if my room is not clean." Lucas said 5 minutes later. Everyone already knew what they were doing.

Max's house:

Max was waiting for Lucas to come over while watching some TV. Her mom was shopping with Neil, and Billy was at a friend's house so no one would interrupt them. Soon enough, there was a ring at the door, which, of course was Lucas. She turned the TV off and got up to answer the door.

"Hey." Max said, greeting Lucas at the door, with a grin.

"Hey." Lucas responded, with a smile.

He came in and shut the door. Max took his hand and led him upstairs and closed her bedroom door. He looked around the room before turning back around to face Max and walked towards her and kissed her and leaned her against the wall like before outside the arcade. She let out a little gasp when this occurred but that shock went away and was replaced with happiness. She let her hands trail down his chest. He put his hands on her waist and pulled away for a breath before going back in.

Then he moved his lips from her lips to her neck and trailed soft kisses down it, looking for a certain reaction. When he got to a little bit below her jawline, she let out a sound that was very attractive to him and kissed it again and got the same reaction. For Max, this was very new to her, but when he kissed below her jawline, something had changed inside her and wanted more of it. Then Lucas started sucking on it and Max let out a small moan and he pulled away and both of them smiled at each other and then Lucas noticed a purple mark on her face.

"Oops." Lucas said with a small smirk on his face. Max was confused but then Lucas pointed at where he was looking and Max went to the mirror and saw and her eyes widened and went over to Lucas and hit him on his shoulder.

"You're such an idiot." Max said with a small smile on her face.

"If Billy, or Neil sees this, I am dead." Max said as a joke but knew that it was true.

"Just wear makeup to cover it up." Lucas suggested with a small smile.

"OW!" Lucas shouted out in pain, when Max slapped his chest and both of them laughed about it and went downstairs to watch a movie.


I felt really bad for Will in season 3 when no one wanted to play D&D with him so I wanted to include it and Max and Will's friendship I really wanted to put it in, since we didn't really see it.

But anyways here you go.

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