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Lumax headcannons:

They always sleep on each other's chest.

They love gold as a couple and they get offended when someone says yellow is gold.

Lucas always read to her in a coma and would read to her after she got out of it and this lasted until they were all grey and old.

Max loves having a girls day with Lucas. She would treat him to face masks and also make him shave his hairy legs.

Fridays are their lazy days. They always just sit in bed and do whatever they want and make Mike go and get them food and anything else they need, but the next day would be a productive day.

When Max got out of a coma, she and Lucas would always stick together.

Lucas and Eleven worked together to make Mike and Max like each other, so now when they have double dates, they don't argue.

Lucas is really protective over Max and she doesn't mind it, in fact she likes it, but the Party gets annoyed because they are glued together so much.

Nancy gives Max relationship advice and Robin gives Lucas relationship advice.

When they finally had their movie date on Friday, Lucas went to everyone to get advice and Max felt more relaxed when everyone gave her advice for it.

Before they broke up in season 4, Lucas would sing Running Up That Hill to her to make her fall asleep.

When they first got together at then end of season 2, they would always have picnics at the top of the bus in the junkyard.

Every Friday they would have sleepovers at Lucas' house and  Lucas would be in his bed and Max would be on the floor, but then they would end up cuddling together in his bed.

After Max got out of her coma, her bones were healed and her eyesight was back, when they were alone together, she would constantly be flirting with him.

When Max was in her coma, Lucas would look at pictures of them both that Jonathan took.

Whenever Billy was around, she would always hold his hand, feeling safe and secure with him.

Whenever they were doing anything, Lucas would be so gentle to her, while Max would be really aggressive.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this.

Credit to stloverrr45 for helping me come up with these.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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