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(1987 - Max and her mom live in a proper house and not a trailer)

What if Lucas sneaks into Max's house at night when she can't sleep.


It was 1am and Max still couldn't sleep after 3 hours of trying to do so. She thought she was hungry at first, so went down quietly to the kitchen to grab a snack, but then found out that wasn't the problem. She went to the bathroom and washed her face, hoping that would help, but no positive results came out of that. She decided to just keep her eyes shut, hoping that would convince her mind, to just let her body rest, but she just kept tossing and turning. She decided to call Lucas, knowing he could help her fall into a slumber.

Lucas was fast asleep, dreaming about Max. The love of his life. The girl of his dreams. They were on a picnic date and the sun was setting and they were on top of a hill, the highest point in Hawkins, with his arm around her waist, as they watched with smiles, when she turned to him and leaned in and he leaned in as well and then-

His dream was interrupted by the sound of the Supercomm, underneath his bed. He groaned as he got up and reached under his bed for the walkie and spoke into it.

"Hello, who is this?" He asked, in his tired voice.

"Hey, it's Max. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Max answered.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" Lucas questioned, his tone laced with worry and concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just... I can't sleep." Max admitted, hoping Lucas could come over.

"Alright, I'm on my way over there now. Do you need anything? I can stop by the store and pick up whatever you need." Lucas said, putting on a jacket and his shoes.

"No, I just need you." Max confessed. Lucas smiled at how open and vulnerable she was with him. He knows that she has a hard time showing her true emotions, so he is glad that she is trying to do her best at venting her feelings.

"Ok, I'll be there in about 10 minutes. I love you." Lucas finally said.

"I love you too." Max finished off with, before setting her walkie down, next to her on the bedside table. She smiled at the thought of Lucas and how caring and considerate he could be. She really didn't know what she had done to deserve such a perfect boyfriend like him.

Around 10 minutes later, as predicted, there were stones being thrown at Max's window. She opened her window and stood to the side, while Lucas climbed in and shut the window after he got in and took off his coat.

"Hey Stalker." Max greeted Lucas, with a small smile.

"Hey MadMax." He said back with a smile and a tired expression on his face. He went over to her and placed his hands on her waist and gave her a small kiss on her lips. "Everything okay?" He asked.

She placed her hands on his arms along with a kiss and replied. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't sleep. I don't know why."

He nodded and led them over to the bed and pulled down the duvet and waited for her to get in first, as he followed. He wrapped one arm around her waist, while the other stroked her hair in a soothing manner. She kept her hands on the strong arm snaked around her waist and felt her eyelids start to become heavy and before she knew it, she was fast asleep. After Lucas heard her soft snores, he knew he could fall asleep too, wanting her to be comfortable first and putting his needs to the side. After a few minutes, they were both in a deep slumber.


(One week later)

What if Lucas drives him and Max around town when they both can't sleep.


Lucas kept tossing and turning in his bed, trying to fall asleep. It had been many hours, so he just decided to call Max, as he had enough of it. It turns out Max was having the same problem as him, she had tried everything she could think of to help her fall into a slumber: having a midnight snack, splashing water on her face, drinking milk, heck, she even tried counting sheep in her head, but nothing seemed to be working.

She jumped up when a sound came from her walkie. She felt around the messy floor for it and picked it up.

"Max? Are you there? It's Lucas." Lucas spoke.

"Hey Stalker." Max replied, as Lucas smiled at the nickname she had made for him all those years ago, when they first met.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I can't sleep." He admitted.

"Don't worry, you didn't. I can't sleep either. Can you come over?" She asked, hopefully.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon." He responded, putting his jacket on and grabbing his car keys. "Love you."

"Love you too." She ended with a smile. She doesn't why but every time, he has said he loves her, it just sends butterflies into her stomach and makes her cheeks go red.

After about 10 minutes, there were pebbles being thrown at her window, and so Max opened it and was met by Lucas, urging her to come down. She rolled her eyes, not wanting to go out into the freezing cold, but obliged anyway and put on a grey, furry coat and climbed down.

"Why are we out here in the freezing cold, Lucas?!" Max said, obviously irritated from being tired, but not being able to doze off.

"What? No 'hey Lucas how are you' no kiss?" He questioned and then gulped when Max glared at him.

"Alright, calm down. Well I thought we could go for a drive to help make us more sleepy." He offered and Max nodded her head and took his hand and walked to the car. After they both got in and put their seat belts on, Lucas started to speak.

"I like that coat." Max turned her head to look at him. "It looks good on you." Max looked down, trying to hide her blushing face, but Lucas saw it and smiled to himself as he began to drive.

"So, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Max asked, while looking at the dead silent roads ahead of them.

"No, why?" He queried, as he took a glance at her for a second, before turning to look in front of him.

"Well... I was thinking maybe we could hang out and go to the movies." She suggested.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He agreed and took his hand off the gear shift to hold hers. She gave him a sweet smile and he returned it.

They continued talking until they got more tired, before going back to Max's place and resting.

A/N: Thank you for the idea, lumaxpred so sorry this took me so long to post.

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