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What if Lucas never left the basketball team and stayed with Max at her trailer

(Season 4 Episode 1)


"Max, sweetie, I need to leave for a few days because my boss needs me to leave for some business. Will you be alright here by yourself?" Susan asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry." Max answers.

"Ok." She replies and gives Max a kiss on her forehead. "I'm gonna be gone before you get back from school."

"Alright. I need to go now. Bye." Max says and grabs her skateboard and leaves out the door.

"Bye, sweetie."

Max couldn't care less about her mother because her choice of men are always the worst as it puts them both at risk. Especially Neil who used to hurt her wrist by grabbing it so tightly and then isolate her from her own mother but she knows her mom is trying to do her best now but it still hurts her.

Max finally gets to the bus stop and gets into the bus and sits down, leaning her head against the window, zoning out. She then arrives at school and sees Lucas waiting for her, who is smiling at her and she gives a small smile back to him.

"Hey, MadMax." Lucas says.

"Hey, Stalker." She murmurs. They both start walking to the gym to see the pep rally which they don't want to go to.

"You ok?" Lucas asks.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine." She replies.

"You sure? You just seem... more zoned out than usual."

"Yeah, I'm good." She smiles at him and they enter the massive gym and make their way to Dustin and Mike who are arguing who has a better girlfriend. They both roll their eyes and start clapping with bored expressions when the basketball players make their way out and Jason makes his fake speech. Lucas looks at Max when Billy's name is mentioned and sees how she flinches.

"Hey, you ok?" He whispers.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replies and reaches for his hand subtly and he gives it to her but makes sure no one else can see it, as he knows she doesn't like any type of public display of affection.


The party all meet up in the school car park excluding Will and El since they both are in Calfornia. Max gets there first and then a few minutes later Lucas finds his way there.

"Hey." Max smiles.

"Hey, Max." Lucas says, admiring her smile.

"So I wanted to ask you something." Max starts.

"Ok." He replies, unsure of what she might say.

"Umm.. so basically my mom has left for a few days because of a business meeting or some shit like that and I don't want to be alone s could you... like maybe... come over?" Max tries to get out.

"Sure." Lucas smiles. "The first time I'm gonna MadMax's house."

"Ok, well technically it's not a house."

"I know it's a trailer. Don't worry Max. I'm not gonna judge you or anything like that."

"Thank God." Max mumbles underneath her breath but Lucas hears it anyway and he's about to say something but then Dustin comes, preventing him from doing so.

The 3 of them talk with each other until Mike comes and then all of them talk for a few more minutes until they all go their separate ways, with the exception of Max and Lucas who both make their way to Max's trailer by bus.

They finally get to the trailer park and then to Max's trailer and she opens the door with her key. She gets in first and throws her key in a bowl on a cupboard near the door and she then takes her shoes off.

"I'm gonna go get changed. I'll be out in a few minutes." Max says while Lucas nods and she then makes her way to her room. Max looks through her wardrobe to find something that will catch Lucas' attention as she wants to have some fun with him. She then finds a crop top and some shorts and she smiles to herself, knowing that is the one. She gets changed and then goes down the hall to the living room to see Lucas sitting there waiting for her. He then finds himself staring at her from her outfit. He has always found her beautiful but right now she looks so hot and is making scenarios in his head and can't stop himself.

"Lucas.Oh, Lucas.Lucas." Max's moans are what is in his head right now.

"Lucas!" His attention has been brought back.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"You're staring at me. Why?" Max asks, her knowing the exact reason why, but she isn't showing it.

"Nothing." He replies.

"Ok." Max nods her head slowly and then asks him if he's hungry, while going over to the kitchen, swaying her hips effortlessly.

"No, not yet. Where's your bathroom?" He asks.

"Down the hall, the first room on the left." She motions.

"Ok, thanks." He says and makes his way there. Instead of going to the toilet, he just sits down and tries to control himself by taking deep breaths after a few minutes, he flushes the toilet, making it seem like he did go to the toilet. He leaves out the bathroom and sees Max sitting down on the sofa, watching TV.

"You alright?" She asks him.

"Yep, never better." He replies and sits next to her.

She then gets on his lap and begins to straddle him and trails her hands down his chest.

"Uhh... Max, what are you doing?" He asks, unsure of where to put his hands, knowing he's about to get even more turned on.

"What are you talking about?" She asks innocently.

"You're on my lap. You've never... done that... before."

"Why can't you talk properly, Lucas?" Max asks teasingly, with a smile and begins to move slowly on him.

"Max, what are you doing?" Lucas asks, nervously.

"Nothing. I'm just sitting on my boyfriend's lap. Am I not allowed to do that?" She then begins to plant kisses on his neck and slowly unzip his jacket.

Lucas can't control himself any longer and so quickly lays Max down on the sofa, making her eyes widen, not knowing he was strong like that. "Do you not know what you do Max, hmm? Or do you? Is that why you do it, to make me feel a certain way?" He says and then kisses down her neck and bites down on her skin but not too hard to leave hickeys. He gives her a quick kiss on her lips and then stops and leans away.

"Ok, I'm done. Do you wanna watch some TV, now?" He asks, while grabbing the remote.

"No, Lucas. Come on. You can't leave me like this." She gets up and sits back on his lap.

"Like what?" He smiles teasingly.

"You know what?" She whines and gives him her puppy dog sad eyes.

"Fine." He gives in, not being able to stand those sad eyes and brings her in for a deep kiss and picks her up, leading her to the room and gives her what she wants.

A/N: Thank you so much for the suggestion, newtmasxsolos. I hope you liked this.

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