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What if Max was on her period and Lucas tried to look after her


(They were all okay after Season 4 Episode 9, 2 days after)

Lucas was bored at home as it was still Spring Break and all he wanted to do right now was hang out with Max, but for some reason she hadn't called him after what happened two days earlier. He thought she was probably busy, but he had decided that it had been long enough so reached for his Walkie to call her.

"Max, do you copy? Over." Lucas started.

Max was in so much pain that day from cramps and it hurt everywhere. Stomach. Sides. Back. And nothing was helping. But when a sound came from her Walkie, she was very annoyed as she didn't want to get out of bed. She got up and anyways and answered.

"Yeah, I copy, who the hell is this? Over." Max demanded furiously. Lucas was startled by the tone of her voice and thought what the harm could be in asking.

"It's uh... it's Lucas. Over." Lucas answered.

"Oh hey, Lucas. I didn't mean to sound angry. I am just having a really bad day. Ow!" Max said as her stomach was aching and clutched it.

"Max, are you okay? What's wrong?" Lucas said quickly in alarm, already putting his shoes and jacket on.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just girl problems." Max said, hoping Lucas would not come by as she didn't want him to see her like this.

"Ok, I'm coming over. Do you need anything? I can pick something up on the way there." Lucas responded.

"No, Lucas, you don't have to come over, I'm fine. Ow!" Max pleaded in agony.

"Max, you are not okay. I'll be there in 10. Over and out." Lucas stated, ending the conversation. Max sighed and put her walkie down next to her on the cupboard beside the bed.

Lucas got on his bike and went to the nearest store to get some painkillers and a hot water bottle. Around 5 minutes later, he could see the trailer which belonged to Max and knocked on the door. Max came to the door, in her night clothes and her hair in its normal style of a ponytail, with one hand on the doorknob and one on her stomach.

"Max, you look terrible." Lucas said bluntly.

"Gee, thanks Stalker." Max commented sarcastically and moved to the side to let him come in. Lucas let a small smile on his face come into action as she had called him a very familiar nickname, that always sends butterflies into his stomach.

"Sorry." Lucas apologised.

"Why did you come over? I told you I was fine." Max questioned, walking back to her room as Lucas followed.

"Well, you sounded like you were in a lot of pain, so I've come to offer my support." Lucas replied, saying the last part in a British accent, which left Max laughing as she entered the room. Lucas closed the door behind them and watched as Max got into bed and lay down. He sat on the edge of the bed and began to take the things out of the bag and showed it to her.

"Can you boil some water and put it in the bottle? Wait, you know how to do that, right?" Max asked. Lucas chuckled at the last part and just responded with a yes and left to go to the kitchen.

Max was secretly happy, that Lucas was here, even though she tried not to show it. Her stomach was killing her and then a few minutes later, Lucas returned and offered the bottle to Max, who sat up and gladly took it and put it on her stomach, then laid back down as the heat went around her body. When Lucas turned to go sit at the edge of the bed, Max grabbed his hand, and he looked confused.

"Can you, umm... can you lie down with me?" Max asked nervously. Lucas looked taken aback as he thought he would never hear those words come out of her mouth. She noticed this and grew even more anxious.

"But, only if you want to." She quickly replied.

"Yeah, it's fine." He managed to get out and went around to the other side of the bed and laid down there and turned on his side, facing Max's back. He was even more surprised when Max took the bottle away from her stomach and put it on the bedside table and took Lucas' hands to replace it and put them under her shirt on her bare stomach. Lucas' eyes widened when he felt how soft her stomach is.

"Is this okay?" Max asked, still facing the other way.

"Yeah, it's all right." Lucas said, rubbing her stomach, and the pain that Max had before, was slowly dwindling away.

Max had never thought that Lucas' hands could be so comforting and was glad he was there with her while Lucas had never thought Max's body could be so soft. The only part of her body that he had touched was her hands and the last time that he had held her hand was at Starcourt Mall before everything else happened. They were getting ice cream and Lucas said that her hand was so soft he wanted to order it as a flavour. She had laughed and to him it sounded like the birds from Cinderella. It was his favourite sound in the whole world.

And with that they both fell asleep.

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