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What if Max gets abused by Neil...

(Angst) (A little fluff)

TW: Violence and Sexual Harassment

Max was in her room, trying to decide on whether or not she should make a start on her homework. Math. She hates Math. She doesn't get algebra or how the letters represent numbers. That shit makes no sense to her.

She quickly got up from the floor and went to her bed and pretended to be asleep when she heard a door slam. She assumed it was Neil. Ever since Billy died, he's been angry. More angrier than usual. Every night after he finished work, he would go to the bar and end up getting drunk. He would come home and burst into Max's room and make sure she was asleep. If she was, she was lucky. There were a few times where she was caught off guard and he would do things to her. Like... touching her. Max was too afraid of him to do anything and pretended like nothing happened the next day. Susan was working so had no knowledge of what was happening.

He came into her room once again and sat down on her bed. He heard her sounds of breathing and knew she was faking being asleep.

"You think you can trick me, you bitch." He spat out as he stroked her cheek. Max shivered from his touch and started panicking as he removed his hand from her face and moved it more down and down. She decided enough was enough and was sick of her fear of him and jumped up from the bed.

"Don't touch me!" She exclaimed. He was shocked at first but then started laughing.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want to you! You're weak and fragile and you can break very easily." He shouted before throwing a beer bottle at her. She fell to the floor and touched her face and felt a sting and saw blood. She reached for her pocket knife that she had hidden under her bed and stabbed Neil's leg with it and ran out of the trailer, quickly grabbing her shoes and made her way to a house that she knew all too well.


Lucas was in his room, trying to do his History assignment but his mind was coming to a blank as he couldn't stop thinking about Max. He could tell there was something wrong with her. She would flinch if someone did the smallest act of touch and that made him worry as she was never like that before. She never smiles anymore only fake ones. He's extremely worried for her and just wishes she would come him to talk or just hang out as he misses that a lot. He is brought back to reality when he hears rocks being thrown at his window.

He's surprised by who he finds outside. He goes over to the window and opens it and the familiar red-headed girl makes her way into the room. He's about to ask what she's doing there but then sees how her tears ricochet and her red cheeks along with a mark on her face with blood.

"Max, what's wrong?" Lucas asks, concerned before pulling her in for an embrace. She immediately hugs him back and just wants to be comforted. She has never been scared of his touch. The familiar and comforting feeling feels like home to her.

"Max, it's okay. It's okay. It's alright. Calm down. Calm down. I'm right here. I'm right here." He leads her to his bed as she lets out all of her tears as he tries to calm her down, not sure what the problem is but wants to do anything he can to help her. He rubs her back and plants kisses on her head, not wanting to see her in pain as it hurts him but he wants to stay strong for her. He needs to stay strong for her.

"You don't need to tell me what's happened right now. Just let it all out and then when you're ready. Just talk to me, ok?"

Max doesn't say anything but just nods her head as she tries to calm herself down.

After about half an hour of Max crying and Lucas saying sweet nothings to her, Max calms down and decides to tell Lucas.

"So, uhh... Neil came back from the bar just like always and then came into my room and checked if I was asleep. I wasn't and then he uhh... tried to uhh... touch me." Max said, trying her hardest to not start crying. Lucas felt his blood boil at this. How dare anyone touch her. "I didn't let him and told him to stop it. He then threw a beer bottle at my head and that's why it's bleeding."

"Oh my God, Max. I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through this. No one should. Especially you." Lucas brings Max in for another hug.

"It's not your fault."

"Has he touched you before?" Lucas asked as calmly as he could, honestly wanting to beat the shit out of Neil and kill him right now.

Max didn't say anything and just looked down. That confirmed it. It all came together now. How she wouldn't let anyone touch her, how she hated to wear shorts or t - shirts. He should've realised it before. He keeps thinking as he mentally scolds himself.

All he can do right now in this moment is comfort Max and try to be there for her.

"Max." He says making her look up at him. "I promise you I won't let anything bad happen to you again. Okay? You're more than welcome to stay here. We will fix this situation. I will fix it. Just trust me, okay?" He cradles her face, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. She honestly feels relieved, just from hearing those words. For the first time in forever, she has hope.

A/N: I hope you liked this.

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