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What if Max and Lucas get invited to a party...

Max, Mike, Will, Eleven, and Dustin were sitting at their table, eating their food when Lucas came up to them.

"Guys, guess what?" He asked sitting down, excitedly.

"What?" Mike asked, not really interested.

"Jason invited me to his party which means you guys are invited too. Isn't that sweet?" He smiled.

"Cool." Max smiled. "I'm in."

"That sounds bitching. Me too." Eleven joined in with the conversation.

"I've got nothing else planned. I'll come." Dustin added in.

"Sure, why not?" Will smiled.

"Do I have to?" Mike groaned.

"Come on, Mike. Please?" Will looked at him.

"Fine. Just this once." Mike gave a small smile to him.

"Alright, the Party's at 9pm. Let's meet there." Lucas said before they all agreed and continued on with their other conversations.


When they all got there, the party was already set off, all crazy and wild.

Mike and Eleven went off on their own to start dancing. Dustin went to get a drink and Will saw a cute guy already looking at me so he went over to him and that left just Lucas and Max.

"What do you wanna do first?" He asked her.

"Let's get some drinks." She suggested and he nodded, taking his hand, she led them over to the kitchen.

(Btw, I know nothing about parties or drinking so pls bear with me)

She made them both some strong drinks and handed one to Lucas, keeping one for herself. She downed hers quite quickly as he strained his eyes, feeling disgusted by the taste.

They downed a few more before going to dance.

Max moved her hair around wildly as Lucas danced slowly, trying to get more confident.

After a few minutes, she turned around and he put his hands on her hips and swayed them side to side, moving to a sensual rhythm as she grounded her ass against his dick.

He felt all the blood in his body rush to his cock, which was now creating a bulge in his pants but tried to ignore it, focusing on the music and not his situation or his hot girl right in front of him.

Max, however, couldn't definitely feel his dick poking at her, which made her smirk to herself, getting an idea.

After the song ended, she took his hand and they made their way to another room where they were drinking and playing truth or dare.

They both sat on chairs and started playing.

"Max, truth or dare?" Patrick asked her.

"Dare." She smiled.

"I dare you to give anyone here a lap dance." He smirked.

Max got up off her chair and sat on Lucas's lap, facing everyone else, before moving slowly backwards and forwards on his crotch before turning around to face him as she moved side to side before repeating her previous pattern.

His face was strained as he had gritted teeth which made her smile.

She got up off him after kissing his cheek, but before she could, he grabbed her hand and dragged them out the room.

"Lucas? What are you doing?!" She crossed her arms.

"Max, please." He pleaded.

"What is it you want?"

"You. I need you." His hopeful eyes searched hers.

As if that was the magic word, she leaned forward and kissed with the same amount of want and need and love and lust.

He started walking backwards, leading them up the stairs before finally finding an empty bedroom after almost tripping over couples making out all over the floor.

She pushed him down on to the bed, before crawling on top of him, making out with him as their tongues danced with each others.

He reached behind her and played with the zipper on her dress. He pulled away from the kiss, just a little, so their lips were still touching.

"Can I?" He asked softly.

"Yeah." She said in a breath as she went back in for another kiss.

He pulled down the zipper, removing her dress, then unclasping her black lace bra before reaching down to pull down her underwear, leaving her body completely bare and exposed to him.

She sat up a little bit so then he could take his clothes off, along with his boxers and he put on a condom.

He quickly flipped her over so he was on top of her, before pounding into her pussy letting a scream release from her mouth.

He came back out before thrusting into her. Hard. And. Fast. Each time quicker than the last as she adjusted to his fast pace. She started moaning so loudly that she was sure everyone downstairs could hear over the deafening music.

He attacked her neck with nips and sucks, leaving hickeys, as he kept up his fast pace.

Lucas found her sensitive spot which was on the nape of her neck and bit on it hard, making her whimper.

He hit her g - spot at the same time making her scream as she ripped through her orgasm, clenching around his dick making him groan into her neck, releasing into the condom.

He let her ride out her high before pulling out, throwing the condom away.

"Round 2?"She asked, once she got her breath back.


"Yeah." She nodded and he smiled before getting another condom out.

She got up and hovered over his dick before fully sitting down on it, moaning at the feeling of him stretching her walls out.

She began to find her pace, moving back and forth, as he gripped her hips and thrust up into her.

She began to bounce up and down, making her breasts follow the pattern.

He kneaded and massaged one
with his hand and wrapped his lips around her other nipple and thrust into her once again, hitting that spot, making her jaw drop.

The feeling of her cumming on his dick made him also cum and he pulled out, throwing the used condom away before getting back into bed.

"You okay?" He asked as he put the covers over the two of them.

"Never better." She replied and snuggled up into his side. "I love you." She said tiredly.

"I love you too." He kissed her head and they both drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this. Idk why it took like weeks to write lmao. I hope you liked this. :)

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