First Date

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What if Lucas asks Max out on the first date


Lucas had been planning to ask Max out for a while now. He was trying to figure out a perfect place to take her as he didn't want it to be basic like the movies. He wanted it to be somewhere unique so he decided on taking her bowling. Now all he had to do was find her and ask her.

He looked around the school for her until he saw her come out of Mr Clarke's classroom, probably for some catch up homework since she wasn't in for the past few days. She went to her locker and grabbed her skateboard and shut it.

"Hey Max." Lucas called out as he finally caught up to her.

"Oh, hey Lucas." Max smiles while slowing down.

"So... I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok." Max furrowed her brow.

"SO, you know we've kissed and hung out a lot and well uh.. what I wanted to say... uh... was... uh..."

It makes Max smile knowing how nervous he can get around her and she knows exactly what he wants but wants to see him struggle for a bit first.

"So...uh... do you... want to...uh... go out with me?" He finally gets out.

"That took a long time." Max said empathizing the 'long'. "But yeah, sure. Where are you taking me?"

"I was thinking the bowling alley."

"Yeah, that sounds good. And what time?"

"About 8. Does that work for you?"

"Yep. But I have to be back at home at 10."

"Yeah. Don't worry we'll be done by then."

"Ok." Max smiles.

"I'll come and pick you up."

"Sure. I'll see you later. Don't be late." Max points at him.

"Ok." Lucas chuckles and goes to meet Will, Dustin and Mike.


Time skip: 8 o'clock

Lucas left his bike on the pavement by the road, as he went over to Max's house and knocked on the door. Max opened the door and smiled at him. She was wearing a green t - shirt and blue jeans with a red hoodie and black trainers.

"Hey Stalker."

"Hi MadMax." He greets and give her some orange tulips.

"Aww thanks Lucas, but uhh.. I'm uh.. allergic." She says with a small smile.

"Oh shit, my bad." Lucas says a bit embarassed. "I'm really sorry."

"No, don't be, you didn't know. I think it's really sweet."


"Yeah. Don't worry about it." She reaches out and touches his hand and tries to comfort him and he gave a small smile.

You ready?" He asks, trying to change the subject and she nods. "Alright. Come on."

She comes out of her house and shuts the door behind her and gets on the back of his bike, wrapping her arms around him. He feels himself calm down a bit, loving the heat Max is trapping around him, also feeling butterflies in his stomach.

They finally get to the bowling alley and Lucas locks his bike in the required space while Max waits for him. When he's done, he makes his way to her and she grabs his hand and they walk in together. Lucas pays for them both at the entrance and then they go to get their bowling shoes and put them on and then proceed to the bowling part of the building.

"Have you ever done this before?" He asks Max.

"Yep. I did it all the time in California." She smiles. "What about you?"

"Actually no."

"I could show you if you want."

"Yeah sure. Why not? You could be like my teacher." He jokes as she laughs.

"Okay, so first, you have to pick up the ball by putting 3 fingers in the holes and the aim is to knock all of the pins down and to do that you just have to swing your arm and let go when it gets to your ankle." Max shows him as she scores a strike."That's called a strike. Okay, now your turn."

"Alright." Lucas said, still a bit unsure. He picks up a dark blue ball and puts 3 fingers in and swings his arm and lets go but it goes more to the right into the space between the lanes.

"Hey. It's okay. Let's try again." Max grabs a turquoise ball and gives it to him and then helps guide him of how to swing and by putting her hands on his arms and helps him find the right angle and then they let go together and they get a strike.

Lucas smiles at her and she smiles back at him. "Thanks."

"Yeah. You're a lot better than me when I first started. I couldn't even pick the ball up." She laughs as he smiles at her.

They continue on playing some more before they decide on getting some food. 2 fishburgers with fries and 2 cokes. They just get to know each other more before they go back home.


(Max's house) (9:55)

Max gets off Lucas' bike and he gets off as well and walks with her back to her door. She stops before turning to face him.

"I had a good time. Thanks. It was really fun kicking your ass."

"Hey. In my defence I never played it before, so you know." He shrugs with a smile. " But yeah it was fun."

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah." Lucas starts walking back towards his bike.

"Lucas wait." Max calls out. He stops and Max comes and gives him a soft kiss on his cheek before she runs into her house. He smiles to himself and rides back to his house and Max lies down on her bed with a smile on her face.

A/N: Thank you for the suggestion mariapauladtt. I hope you liked this.

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