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What if Max got jealous of a girl who was flirting with Lucas

(Season 4 episode 1 but if Max and Lucas were still together)

Fluff and Angst

It was the day of Lucas' championship game, and him and Max were walking through the corridors together hand in hand, as Lucas was trying to convince Max to come to his game.

"Please, Max, it's the most important game of my life. I could really use your support." Lucas said, trying very hard to get his girlfriend to come.

"I know, but you haven't played all year, what makes you think you're gonna actually stop riding the bench." Max stated, with a bored expression written on her face.

"If anyone gets injured, I'll be the first one out there, please." Lucas pleaded with his hands in a praying manner.

"Fine, I'll see if I can make it." Max replied, signalling that was the end of the topic.

Lucas smiled, knowing there was a chance, she could come and they then went to the gym. Lucas went into the changing rooms to meet up with Jason and the rest of the team, while Max made her way onto the bleachers, finding Mike and Dustin.

When Lucas made his way out, Max had thought she had never seen him look more hot in her life, with his muscles showing and a grin on his face. He waved to her and she returned the gesture. As Jason finished his speech, Lucas celebrated with the rest of the team and cheerleaders.

A cheerleader, whose name was Bethany, came up to Lucas and gave him a hug and traced her fingers over his chest and whispered something in his ear. He looked confused and pushed her away, he looked around to find Max making her way through the door at a very fast pace, which he knew she only did when she wanted to get away.

"Max wait! Wait!" Lucas called out and grabbed her hand, seeing tears in her eyes.

"Let go, Lucas!" She shouted, trying to break free from his grasp,"I said let go!"

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned, hoping it wasn't Bethany that she saw.

"Nothing! Now let go!" Max yelled, avoiding eye contact, continuing trying to let her hand escape from Lucas'.

"Well, there is obviously something wrong, as you won't look at me or talk to me." Lucas spoke.

"Well, except from the fact, that other girls are trying to get with you and you are letting them do that and I am a piece of shit, I am fine!" Max answered back with a forced chuckle, still not looking at the person standing before her.

"You are not a piece of shit, you are beautiful and funny and smart. I wasn't letting her do that, I pushed her away and tried to find you. Okay, I don't want them, I want you." Lucas mentioned, putting emphasis on the 'you'.

"Why, why do you care so much about me?" Max questioned, terrified of how much Lucas cherishes her and admires her.

"Because I love you." Lucas said immediately, not wanting this to be the way he admits his feelings to her.

This came as a complete shock to Max, as she has never been loved properly before as her mom just drinks and smokes and she doesn't even know where her dad is, all she knows is he is in California somewhere scamming people.

"Really?" This was the only thing she could get out as she was still in surprise.

"Yeah, I always have" Lucas said coming towards her and holding both of her hands with his. Max let him hold her hands as he kissed them and she sighed out of pleasure and relief.

"I love you too." Max said which only made Lucas smile with only one emotion displayed over his face, happiness. Max smiled as well. She kissed him and he kissed her back, and the kiss was soft and tender.

"If you don't believe me, I will show you." He said, pulling away from the kiss and pulling her hand as he held it, leading them into a dark room, locking the door.

He turned the light on and picked her up, lifting her onto the table, which made her gasp, but it was short lived as he pulled her into a long passionate kiss, full of the emotions they could not speak out loud. He pulled away to go to her neck, leaving small kisses all over. He made sure to not suck as much as he wanted to, as she was still new to him kissing her neck.

"Can you... see how... much I... care for you... and love you, Max?" Lucas questioned on her neck in between kisses.

"Mmm" Max just stated, as her head was up in the clouds because whenever he kissed her, she couldn't think of anything but him.

Lucas smiled, and knew that he was doing the right thing and repeated his motions over again for about half an hour, then stopped and saw Max had the most radiant smile ever.

"I'll come to your game, tonight." She finally said and he smiled at her response and gave her one last kiss, before walking her to her class.


Please, leave your ideas in the comment section, because I am getting writer's block.

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