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(At the start of season 3)


"How long is he going take?" Lucas whined.

"Calm down you big baby. He'll be here soon." Max laughed at her boyfriend's childish behaviour.

Will checked his watch. "We're going to be late if he's not here in the next 2 minutes."

Just as he said that, Mike came rushing in on his bike.

"You're late." Lucas folded his arms across his chest.

"Sorry." He locked his bike in the area to put bikes away.

"Again." Lucas continued.

"We're going to miss the opening." Will threw his hands up.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go." Mike motioned his head, telling them to start walking.

"Oh El, I wish we could make out forever and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas mimicked him.

"Real mature, Lucas." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Lucas stop." Max scolded him.

"Will thinks its funny." He said back.

"Because it is." Will chuckled.

"No it's romantic." She retorted back.

"Exactly. You should take lessons from me dude. Spend some romantic time with your girlfriend."

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas put his arm around Max's shoulders which made her roll her eyes playfully but leaned into him.

On their way to Scoops Ahoy, they spotted Erica who started making fun of Lucas.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?"

"Isn't it time you died?"





Lucas stuck his tongue out at her before Max grabbed his arm.

"Now that was mature." She sarcastically said.

They went through Scoops Ahoy

"Dingus, your children are here again." Robin said.

"Again, seriously." Steve sighed, opening up the windows from the back.

Mike just rang the bell on the counter in response.

"Remember anyone hears about this -" He started, as he let them through.

"We're dead." They finished in unison.

Steve just shook his head, standing with his hands on his hips.

Mike checked the door, to see if the coast was clear before leading them all to the Day of the Dead showing.

Mike and Will sat next to each other and Max and Lucas sat next to each other a couple rows down.

Will opened his bag up and passed everyone food.

After 5 mins, the power went out, causing for everyone in the room to groan.

A few minutes later, it came back on and everyone cheered.

About 10 minutes later, Max then whispered in Lucas' ear. "Meet me outside in 5 minutes." He nodded and counted the minutes.

Exactly 5 minutes later, he met her outside as planned.

"Hey." She smiled as she got off the wall from which she was leaning on.

"Hey." He replied. "Why are we out here?"

"The movie was boring and I wanted to have some fun." She shrugged with her hands in her pockets.

He nodded. "Let's go get some ice cream then." He held his hand out for her and she gladly took it and they went to Scoops Ahoy.

"Hey Steve, I'll have a chocolate chip one." Max said, looking at all the flavours.

"And I'll have the caramel fudge one." Lucas said.

He gave them to the 2 kids and they walked away, hand in hand.

"Your hand feels so soft." He blurted out and she laughed. He loved the sound of her laugh. He could listen to it all day and never get tired of it.

Once they were finished, they decided on what to do next.

"What do you wanna do now?" He asked.

"Are your parents home?" She question.

"No they're out of town and Erica's staying over at Tina's so I've got the place to myself." Lucas responded.

"Okay, let's go then." She smiled as she dragged him along.


Once they arrived at his house, they went to his bedroom. She looked at all of the action figures around his room. Even though she's been here many times before, she always loved to admire them.

Once he came in the room, she made her way over to him and kissed him.

Lucas kissed her back, one hand just underneath her jawline and the other on her waist. She had both of her hands looped around his neck.

She then pushed him against the wall and kissed him more harder.

He then flipped their positions so she was against the wall. Her lips parted in shock, not expecting him to do that.

He then moved his lips to her neck, trailing kisses from her jawline to her collarbone, trying to find her sensitive spot. He found it after a minute. Judging from her sounds, he knew she was enjoying this.

A/N: I hope you liked this.
I need ideas so sadiesinkluvrforlife
Give me ideas bc no one is giving me anything and don't you dare ignore this!

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