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What if Lucas and Max were going to prom.


Tonight is the night of which the prom would take place and Max was getting ready at El's house, applying her make up.

"Max, stop worrying, you're going to look amazing." Eleven said with a smile, as she consoled her friend, trying to stop her nervousness. Max finished putting on her make up, including eye liner, eye shadow and lipstick.

"Alright, but can you just pick a dress for me?" Max asked, not being able to pick one. Eleven nodded and went over to her closet and picked out two dresses.

 Eleven nodded and went over to her closet and picked out two dresses

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(Max's dress)

(Eleven's dress)

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(Eleven's dress)

Max smiled at her and went to go change in the bathroom, while El changed in her bedroom. When Max finished getting dressed, she asked if Eleven was 'decent' as she called it and Eleven laughed at this, and told her to come in. When she entered, Eleven being surprised is an understatement as Max looked like the most beautiful person in the world. Max saw Eleven staring and her worries overcame her once again.

"El say something. I look so ugly, right?" Max asked in nervousness.

Eleven quickly went over to her and took her hands and smiled. "You look perfect, Max."

Max smiled and complimented her best friend. "You look more amazing."

"Thanks." Eleven smiled as they both put their heels on and told Hopper they were ready to, as he would be driving. Hopper remarked on how lovely they looked and left.


Lucas was already at the school and was awaiting the presence of his girlfriend nervously.

"Dude, don't worry, she'll be here." Mike said, also awaiting the girls, more specifically so, Eleven.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right, I'm just being silly." Lucas commented, trying to shake away his worries.

The three boys were talking amongst themselves, then stopped when they saw Hopper's car pull up and he got out and went to the back and opened the door for Eleven. Mike's eyes widened when he saw her and Hopper saw this and really wanted to kick the shit out of him, for eying his daughter like that, but he just stayed silent and then when Will got out of the car, he whispered to him to keep a close eye on them. Will chuckled and nodded and went to stand by Dustin. Hopper went to help Max out of the car and it was like it was in slow motion for Lucas and was absolutely stunned by how attractive and exquisite she looked. Max saw this and felt a huge wave of confidence wash over her and went over to him.

"You like?" She asked with a smile as she put her hands on his chest.

Lucas takes a deep breath and feels her arms with his hands. "God, there are no words to describe you, Max." Max looks down with a smile, blushing.

"You don't look too bad, yourself." She says adjusting his collar as he smiles at her.

He then takes her hand as they both go inside of the decorated hall, full of lights and banners and look around in awe.

"It looks amazing." Max comments with a smile.

"Yeah, it does." Lucas agrees. "But you look more amazing." He compliments with a grin as she blushes once again.

They both grab a drink and talk as they sit at a table, which consisted of Lucas complimenting Max and her blushing, not even trying to hide it as she has done it a lot tonight and doesn't doubt that she will be doing more later on.

The song 'Every Breath You Take' plays and Max recognises it immediately as this had been the song that she and Lucas danced to in 1984 which led to them having their first kiss. She looked at him and saw he was looking at her with a knowing smile as he held his hand out.

"Max, do you wanna, um, you know, just like you and me?" Lucas asked, repeating his words from all those years ago.

"Are you trying to ask me to dance, Stalker?" Max asked back with a smile and held his hand, while getting up.

"Maybe." Lucas replied, and led her to the dance floor. Max smiled and followed and put her hands on his shoulders as he placed his on her waist.

"You look so beautiful. So goddam beautiful." He says with a smile as her face turns red once again as he leans towards her to kiss her. She leans forward as well and kisses him back. They both pull away after a minute and Max smiles as she rests her head on his chest and moves her hands to his waist as he wraps one hand around her waist and the other rests on her back and smiles to himself, enjoying himself with the girl he loves and feels like he is the luckiest man alive.

A/N: I hope you liked this, Salmastar1000. I had a lot of fun writing this, so thank you for the idea.

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