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What if Lucas has a really hard day and Max comforts him.

(Angst) (Fluff)

Lucas was just about to be let out for the day from school. Max had finally woken up from her coma and the Sinclairs' had been kind enough to take her in. She had gained her eyesight back while her bones were still healing. It was just her left arm that needed to recover from the incident. She decided to stay at home for the time being until she was able to go back to school and Lucas bring her work to her.

Lucas had been having a hard time lately, since he left the basketball team, the jocks decided to push him around and he didn't have the strength to do anything anymore. His grades were dropping and he was distancing himself from everyone. Everyone was really worried about him, especially Max. She decided to ask him about it later on and would try and get him to open up to her, because she didn't open up to anyone and look what happened to her.

Lucas entered the house and went upstairs to his and Max's bedroom where he saw her reading a book. When she was in her coma, she heard him reading to her and since then she had become invested in books and loved them. She saw him come in and smiled softly.


"Hi." He replied with a smile. "What you reading?"

"Double Love." She picked up the book, showing the cover.

"Cool." He said, admiring the smile on her face.

He leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him.

"Go have a shower first. You stink."

"Hey. I was working out like a man." He said flexing his muscles.

Max put her hand out. "Okay, okay. If you don't go now, then you won't be getting a kiss."

"Fine." He gave in. "Join me."

"Lucas!" She scolded, while putting her head down, blushing.

"Alright, alright." He grabbed a white, simple shirt, some black shorts and a towel and disappeared into the bathroom.

Max took a deep breath, running through her head, how and what she was going to say to him, while pacing back and forth, waiting for him.

"You okay?" Lucas asked, coming into the room.

"Jesus!" Max said clutching her chest, turning around to face him.

"Woah, you okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm fine. You just scared me, that's all." He nodded.

"There was also something I wanted to talk to you about."

"OK." He nodded slowly. She took his hand with her good arm and led him to the double bed.

"You do know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Max asked.

"Yeah, of course." Lucas said, trying not to look her in the eye.

"Then why won't you open up to me. Lucas, I know you're hurting. I can see it. Everyone can see it. Look, you can't keep bottling your emotions up because it will do so much harm. Take it from me. I didn't let my feelings be seen and then look what happened. I ended up being targeted by Vecna and then was left in a coma. That wasn't even the worst part." Max admitted and Lucas furrowed his brow, not quite understanding.

"After Billy died, I just... it hurt so much. I couldn't help but think it was my fault. Now I realize it wasn't but for 3 long painful months I did." Max's voice began to crack. "Every morning when I woke up, I would just feel pain. Every night when I went to sleep, I felt pain. I would just want to die every day, so then I wouldn't have to feel pain and guilt because it was constant, Lucas. All the time I would feel it. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to give you all my shit to deal with. I saw how well you were doing and you looked so happy and so I didn't want to ruin that. On top of that, my mom would just drink and pass out because of her working 3 jobs, so it was hard for her. The stupid counsellor kept trying to want to know about all of my shit, but obviously I didn't tell her anything. I regret all of that. I really do, Lucas. So I need to know about what's happening with you because if you don't tell anyone about your feelings, it will destroy you. I would hate for that to happen to you. So please, Lucas, please, just talk to me." Max said, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

Even Lucas was crying now, not knowing how much Max was actually going through.

"Okay." Lucas said, wiping the tears from Max's cheeks. "After watching you almost die... it was the most scariest moments of my life. And you did die, the second time. The feeling of knowing that you couldn't do anything is the worst feeling ever. All I could do in that moment was just begging you to stay alive. There was nothing else I could do. I was so glad El brought you back to life, but then watching you stay still, not awake, day in, day out, it was so hard. But I never gave up hope. When you finally woke up after so many months, I felt so relieved, but I can't help thinking that it was all my fault. If I fought Jason quicker, or moved your headphones out of the way, maybe that all would've never happened. Of course I left the basketball team, because there is no way, I could still be apart of the team and live with myself. It's literally all I can think about, how it was my fault. So I'm sorry, I couldn't help." Lucas said, getting all his emotions out, letting his tears leave him.

"No Lucas. It is NOT your fault. You couldn't do anything. It's Jason's fault. Not yours. If anything, you saved me. In Vecna's mind, I could hear you reading to me and talking to me and that gave me the courage to fight on, okay. Do you hear me?" Max said, cradling his face. He nodded and cried some more.

Max crawled into his lap and let him rest his head on her chest, scratching through his hair, whispering sweet nothings, kissing the top of his head frequently.

A/N: Guess who's back?! I'm so sorry I've been MIA. My account got deactivated but I got it back now so a new chapter will be out every 2 to 3 days. I hope you enjoyed this sadiesinkluvrforlife. I love you so much bae.

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