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What if Jason never came and Max and Lucas got their movie date.


March 27th 1986:

No ones POV:

Max starts levitating up in the air. Lucas quickly charged towards the headphones and didn't even bother to reset the song which was playing of Running Up That Hill and turned it up to its highest volume as he couldn't put it on Max's head as she was too high up in the air at this point.

"Please don't die, Max, please don't die. I can't lose you." Lucas muttered to himself quietly as he saw the love of his life about to be terminated right in front of him. He couldn't live without her as she was his everything and if she died he would not know what he would do.

Inside Max's mind, Vecna walked towards her and put his massive hand over her face but before he could go any further, Eleven had broken free of the vines which was thanks to Mike's love confession and used all of her power to pull him away from her best friend. Max immediately fell down onto the blood and bones of which was on the floor. Eleven went to Max and told her to go through the hole which was cutting through the red fog which was the cause of Lucas playing Running Up That Hill.

"Come with me, El." Max begged.

"No, I need to finish this before you get more hurt. I will see you soon. Now go!" Eleven replied. Max nodded her head and sprinted towards the hole of which she could see Lucas in and ran as fast as she could.

She woke up in Lucas' arms and started hyperventilating and turned her head around to look at the attic and saw Lucas, her Stalker holding her protectively.

"Don't worry, it's over, you're safe now." Lucas said to her comfortingly and she nodded her head and sat up to hug him tightly and started crying. Lucas couldn't keep his tears in now and hugged her back as tightly. They sat there like that for a few minutes before they pulled away and Max cupped his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. Lucas had a shocked expression on his face, but only for a few seconds and leaned in as well and they kissed. But it got interrupted by Erica.

"Oh my God, get a room fart face and move over." Erica mentioned as she went to hug Max who gave her a squeeze. They pulled away and Lucas helped Max up and they went out of the Creel House holding hands. Lucas smiled to himself as he thought that he might have a chance at getting back the girl of his dreams.


Lucas couldn't stop smiling all day as today was the day he would be going on a date with Max and if he was being honest today would be one of the best days of his life. He wanted to call Max to ask if they were meeting there or if he was coming to pick her up. The phone rings for a few seconds before it answers.

"Hello?" said the soothing voice of Max's which had always made him smile.

"Hey, it's Lucas." replied Lucas.

"Oh hey" said Max who had a smile on her face. For the past few days, all she could think about was Lucas. She had been thinking a lot and realised that she needs to confess her feelings to him before it is too late and today would be the perfect day to do it. She realised that she couldn't lose Lucas because even though she cut ties with him, he still stood by her side which to her meant that he is really caring and it doesn't matter if they are in a relationship or not, he will always be on her side.

"I just wanted to ask if we were meeting at the movies or if I was picking you up." Lucas offered getting straight to the point.

"Umm... You can pick me up." Max commented hopefully.

"Sure, what time?" Lucas asked politely.

"In an hour. I'll be ready then." Max revealed.

"Alright. Bye." Lucas said.

"Bye." Max added before hanging up the phone.

1 hour later:

Max had settled on some blue jeans, a red t-shirt and a green jacket, with some black trainers. She was waiting for Lucas to come and was thinking in her head how to say what she needed to. Lucas had told Steve to take them there because he was only 15 and didn't have a drivers license so he was in the car thinking in his head how to say what he needed to say. Meanwhile Steve was giving Lucas some advice which he was not listening to.

They finally got to Max's trailer and Lucas knocked on her door.

"Hey." Lucas said with a smile when she opened her door.

"Hey." Max replied with a kiss on his cheek. Lucas couldn't help but blush.

"Your cheek is going red, Stalker." Max commented and smirked.

"No, it's not. Come on, let's go." He said defensively holding his hand out for her. She gladly took it and they went into the back seat of the car trying to avoid Steve's gaze through the mirror showing the back of the car.

They got to the movies and Lucas paid for their drinks and popcorn. New Coke for him and Fanta for her.

"I still don't get how you can drink that." Max said scolding him.

"It's delicious." Lucas said, pretending to be hurt, putting a hand over his heart. Max laughs and Lucas smiles at the beautiful sight and they go over to see what movies are playing.

"What do you wanna see?" Max questioned, looking over at Lucas.

"It's your choice, I don't mind." Lucas said kindly.

"Okay, umm... Back to the Future." Max said. Lucas nodded his head and they went to watch it.

During the whole time, the movie was playing, Lucas was barely even paying attention as he was busy keeping himself occupied looking at the girl sitting next to him. He couldn't help but grin every time she got excited at certain parts. Meanwhile, Max noticed within the first 5 minutes of what he was doing, she didn't say anything though because she kind of liked it, but she did make a mental note though to call him out later.

After the movie finished, they walked out of the theatre holding hands and both Max and Lucas felt this was the right time to say what they needed to say. At the same time they both said

"I need to tell you something." They both laughed about it and Lucas said she could go first. She takes his hands and prepares herself for what she is about to say.

"Ok, so, these past few days, i have been thinking and I have learnt that keeping all your feelings in will not help anything and so I really need to tell you something. It's fine, if you don't feel the same way but I just really want you to know. Here goes nothing. I... love you."

This makes Lucas' eyes widen in shock, definitely not expecting to hear that anytime soon.

"Really? You love me?" He questions still in shock.

"Yeah. I always have." She says with a smile.

"This makes everything really good because I love you too. That was what I was going to tell you. Ever since I saw you at break time in Middle school in 8th Grade." He blurts out.

"You mean ever since you stalked me?" She says with a twinkle in her eyes and the biggest smile he has ever seen in his life. This makes him laugh.

He goes to pull her in by holding her waist and kisses her deeply, meaningful but passionately. She gives in to the kiss and puts her arms around his neck. They pull away for a small breath, before going back in for a few more seconds and pulling away.

"I was definitely not expecting that to happen tonight." Max says making Lucas chuckle. And with that they walked around town for a bit longer talking about everything and anything before going home with a big smile on their faces.

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