Stop Saying Sorry

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What if Vecna curses Lucas and Max and Lucas share a Walkman together

(Angst) (Fluff)

Lucas hugged Max back when she hugged him, and hoped that maybe today would be the day where she opens up to him about her feelings. He had been waiting for this day for months. He remembers the first time she vented to him. It was on that cold October night, on top of the broken bus, in the junkyard. He thinks about that conversation all the time, and it warms his heart, to know that she trusted him to tell him that. He remembers when he told her, he liked talking with her and how she reciprocated the feelings. He remembers the smile on her face, which was the most adorable thing he had ever seen, after joking with her, telling her she is totally tubular. It was their first heart to heart and he swore to himself that he would never forget it.

Max let go of him, took a deep breath and decided that he should know about her feelings, after all, he had just poured his heart out to her.

"Okay, you deserve to know about my feelings, Lucas. Out of everyone, you deserve to know the most. After Billy died, I was just a total mess. Everything was falling apart in my life, my mom and Neil were just fighting all the time and then they got a divorce and me and my mom lost the house and had to move to the trailer park. She had to work 2 jobs, just so she could afford to pay the rent and then when she wasn't at work, she was either sleeping or drunk. There was just so much change and I couldn't handle it, even though I tried to pretend like everything was okay, it was not at all. And when you tried to be there for me, I pushed you away, because everyone that comes into my life, eventually leaves. My dad, Neil...Billy. And it hurt so much, Lucas. Every time.Every damn time. And I didn't want you to leave, so I left first, so that way it would hurt less. But it hurt so much, I needed you, but I didn't want to accept it. I saw how you were doing so well, so I didn't wanna give you my shit to deal with." Max explained, crying, wiping tears coming down from her eyes with her sleeves. Lucas went up to her and let her cry into his shirt.

"Max, let it all out. Let it all out." Lucas said, rubbing her back comfortingly. He paused for a minute, and then carried on. "If I knew, how much you were dealing with, I couldn't care less, about basketball. It's a stupid game. You are the most valuable thing in my life and I am never letting you go again, okay." Lucas said, bringing her head to look at him. "From now on, I want you to tell me your feelings, happy, sad, confused, angry, whatever it is, I want to know, and I'll do the same. Okay?" Lucas stated.

"Okay." Max nodded her head. " Thank you for being here for me. I mean, I know I'm not the easiest person to be arou-" Max was cut short, when Lucas pressed his lips onto hers which made her eyes widen with shock, but kissed back, just missing the way his lips felt being against hers. To her, it was like it moved in harmony.

"Sorry, I don't kno-" Lucas tried to apologise, but was interrupted by Max's lips and smiled and kissed back. They kissed for a few more minutes, which was longer than any kiss that they had ever had, as it was normally small pecks, taking short breaths for air before finally pulling away from each other. They took a minute to take in what had just happened and smiled at each other.

"Please take me back, Lucas." Max pleaded, holding his hands.

"I've been wanting you back, ever since you broke up with me." Lucas confessed, which made Max smile.

"I'm really sorry about that." Max apologised.

"Max, please stop saying sorry, I've forgiven you, it's all in the past. We're together again and that is all that matters now." Lucas said shaking his head.

Max nodded her head and went over to him to hug him and leaned her head against his chest, while he stroked her hair. Lucas kissed the top of her head, which made her close her eyes in content. She has finally realised the one thing she has been refusing to admit. She is in love with Lucas Charles Sinclair and would plan on telling him soon, but for now she is just enjoying the peaceful time she has with her amazing and understanding, once again boyfriend.


I planned on making 3 parts to this but I feel too lazy to do it so yeah. I will probably post in 2 days. Bye;)

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