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What if Lucas is grieving from Max being in a coma.


It has been a few weeks since March 27. The worst day of Lucas' life as it was the day that the love of his life died in his arms. Every day he hopes Max will wake up but she doesn't. She has stayed in the same place since she was put on life support and all he can think about is how he should've been there for her more in the first place so then she wouldn't have to go through this. He can't help but think of what she had done to deserve this. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She hasn't deserved any of the pain that she has received.

Every day he reads books to her. He doesn't know if she can hear him but does it anyway. Everyone keeps asking if he is okay and he says yes but of course he isn't. He watched the girl he loves die in his arms, who was begging him to save her. He is quite literally hiding his pain behind a smile. He knows El is hurting as well and he is grateful to her that she brought Max back to life. His parents are extremely worried about him as well as Erica and the party but he tries to assure them that he is fine as he sees no reason to tell anyone about his shit.

Lucas refuses to leave her and has to practically be kicked out just so he can have a shower. But when he does leave he can't help but feel paranoid that Max might wake up and he won't be there for her as he already made that mistake before and he doesn't plan on doing it again so he always needs someone to be there with her in the room when he's not there.

Lucas is currently in his house taking a quick shower before returning to the hospital. He presses his hands against the wall and lets out a scream and starts sobbing, not helping it by crying. after a few minutes of crying, he begins to wash himself before getting changed into a simple long sleeved top and some jeans and gets on his bike, pedalling as fast as he can. He runs up the stairs, getting to Max's room, room 113 and opens the door seeing her in the same place she was when he left. He sees Steve just talking to her about her happy memories with him and it makes him feel relieved that he's trying to help.

"Hey Sinclair, you alright?" Steve ask with the emotion of sympathy in his voice and give a soft smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lucas shrugs off.

"Look, I'm here for you if you just want to talk, vent, anything. I will always be here, alright. You got that?" He says, standing up and goes over to hug Lucas.

"Yeah I got that." Lucas replies and hugs him back tightly, trying to stop the tears escaping him.

"Good. Whenever you feel like everything gets too much, you come and find me. Ok?"

"Ok." Lucas nods and pulls away and goes to sit in the chair which is beside Max's bed.

He holds Max's hand with both of his hands and starts talking to her. "Hey, Max. I wish you were awake. I don't even know if you can hear this. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I just woke you up when Jason came, then maybe you would be ok and I wouldn't be feeling like this. Or maybe if I just talked you out of doing the plan then everything would be alright." His voice was now breaking. "All I want right now is for you to be ok and wake up. Then we can do all the things we wanted to do before everything started going to shit. Like remember when we said we would travel around the world after high school. Just me and you. Or when you said you'd let me take you out for a movie on Friday. God, what I would do to have you back. I love you so much, Max. So much." Lucas said crying now and kissed her hand.

A/N: Thank you so much for the suggestion, max4str. Sorry it's so short. Also I love you sadiesinkluvrforlife.

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