Let's Kill

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(Angst) ( A little bit of fluff)

What if Lucas beats the shit out of Neil after he finds out what he did to Max...

TW: Violence and mentions of Sexual Harassment

It was the next morning and neither Max nor Lucas could get any sleep. Max, because of the whole situation that happened last night and Lucas, because of how much he couldn't get the image of the son of a bitch who did something sick to the girl he loved who was also his best friend out of his head. He also couldn't sleep because Max couldn't stop crying and so he tried to console her as best as he could. He decided that later on he was going to the Party and Steve and Nancy and tell them what's happened and then he was going to kill the motherfucker.

"Lucas?" Max started the conversation, with a raspy voice due to her sobbing.

"Yeah?" He asked with a soft voice as he continued rubbing her back.

"What's gonna happen now? I can't go back home. What if he comes looking for me here? I don't know what to do. I don't - " She trailed off her sentence as she started crying and her voice wavered. She tried her hardest to not breakdown and to stop the flow of water running down her cheeks but it was impossible.

"Max, it's okay. We'll figure something out together. For the meantime you can stay here with me. I'm sure my parents won't mind. If you don't want me to, we don't have to tell them why you're here. Okay?" Lucas told her as he scooped her up in his arms and wiped her tears away.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Max, stop it. Stop saying sorry. This is not your fault. This is that son of a bitch's fault. Okay? Do you understand? I swear to God, that piece of shit will pay for what he did to you."

Max smiles a little bit. " I think this is the only time I've heard you curse that much."

Lucas chuckles. " Yeah, well when it comes to you, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you happy and safe. I even learned 79 ways to kill a man and make 70 of them look like an accident."

Max smiles even more. " Since when did you become so tough, Lucas Sinclair?"

Lucas shrugs with an amused expression. "Not sure."

"To be honest, I quite like this side of you."

"Oh yeah?"


They both smile at each other and continue talking until they both get hungry and go down to eat breakfast.


It was now noon and Lucas decided to go to the Party and the older gang and inform them of what happened. He didn't want to tell Max in case she tried to stop him in case he would get hurt or worry for what Neil might do so he brought her along to hang out with El to distract her.

"But why do we have to be here for?" Max whined as they were a minute away from the Wheelers residence.

"Because it will do you good to socialize." Lucas said as he entwined their hands once again.

"But I don't wanna talk to anyone. I don't feel like it." Max groaned.

"El's there. You can do whatever you girls do or whatever. I don't care." Lucas said as he pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to open it.

"Fine. I hate you." Max said with an eyeroll as she crossed her arms and did her head tilt signature move.

"Hey guys." Nancy said as she opened the wooden door.

"Hey," Max and Lucas said in unison. Nancy let them in before Lucas whispered to Nancy to follow them down to the basement. She complied but was confused. They went down and Max told El to go upstairs with her, not wanting to hang out with anyone else.

"Nancy, is Jonathan here?" Lucas asked her.

"Yeah, he's in my room." Nancy furrowed her eyes.

"Tell him to come here."

"Okay? Why?"

"I'll explain in a minute."

"Dustin, call Steve and Robin and tell them to get here, stat. No questions, I'll explain when everyone is here." Lucas said when Dustin opened his mouth to speak, but then nodded his head and made a call to family video.

After everyone arrived at the house, Lucas explained everything to them all with the exception of Eleven.

"Holy shit." Steve broke the silence after the information was revealed. "Okay, we need to kill this motherfucker."

"I agree." Nancy concurred.

"Okay. What are you all thinking on how we should do it?" Lucas asked.

"We go to the house and beat the shit out of him and then El could just break all of his bones and shit." Mike answered.

"How do we know if he's even there?" Dustin questioned. "I mean, he could be working, at the bar."

"We should lure him somewhere and then do all of that. If we do it at his house, it will be too messy and risky so I suggest somewhere in the middle of the woods." Will stated.

"Yeah that would be smart." Robin nodded her head.

"Okay." Lucas said and they all talked some more, formulating a plan and deciding whether or not they should tell Max what they're about to do.


They all agreed to tell Max of their plan and despite her protests at first, she eventually gave in and wanted to come along to see her abuser die and plead for his life.

Eleven went into the void and found Neil. He was on his way home from work and was going to the bar as always but an "accident" happened as he crashed into a tree and passed out.

Steve and Jonathan then carried him into their car and drove to a shed and tied him up to a pole and they all waited for him to wake up.

After about 30 minutes, Neil woke up with a sharp inhale as he looked around.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked but then saw Max standing next to Lucas and Eleven with her arms folded and a glare set on her face.

"Maxine?" He snarled at her. "What the fuck have you done?"

"Nothing. Just making sure I get justice for what you did to me." Max said with a sarcastic smile and looked at Lucas and nodded her head signalling for him to start.

"What are yo-" He was cut off when a hard punch lands on his face. He spits out blood but doesn't get any time to recover when another punch lands on his stomach by Lucas. Jonathan and Steve start to kick him and land many blows to his face. Nancy gets a knife out and cuts open his arm.


"Please stop! I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry!"

"THAT'S NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH!" Lucas spits in his face and lands one final blow to his face making him pass out and shooting him in the forehead, making him die.

A/N: This took me so fucking long to post. Expect another chapter next month. ;) Bye.

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