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What if Max went to California to see her Dad but then came back and surprised the Party.


"Lucas you need to stop moping." Mike whined, while playing Mario Kart with Will and Dustin. Lucas was feeling bothered because Max had left for California as soon as she was all healed from her coma, which didn't leave them any time to have their movie date on Friday, or any quality time, but of course, he knew that she needed it.

"I'm not moping." Lucas finally said.

"Yes you are, dude. Even El can see it." Will replied, while still looking at the screen.

"I'm not dumb Will." Eleven rolled her eyes. "But don't worry Lucas, Max will be back soon." She tried to comfort him and she went to rub his back and leaned her head on his shoulder. During the time that Max was in her coma, the 2 spent a lot of time together, and had gotten a lot closer. Lucas smiled softly at her.

"I need to go to the bathroom." El said and went up the stairs, out of the basement, to the left and went into the room.

The door bell rang and Karen went to open the door. "Oh, hey Max? When did you get back from California."

"Just a few hours ago. I wanted to surprise everyone." The familiar red headed replied.

"That's nice. Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah I did. I feel much better than I was a few months ago."

"That's good. Why don't you come in? They're all in the basement."

"Okay, thanks Mrs Wheeler." Max steps in the house as Karen smiles and walks back to the kitchen.

"Hey El." Max waves, seeing her best friend come from the bathroom.

"Oh, hey Max." El replies, going down the stairs, but then stops still, turns around quickly and sees Max smiling at her. "MAX!" She runs at her full fledged, embracing her for a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Max replies with a smile.

"When did you get back?"

"Just a few hours ago. I brought you something." Max pulls away from the hug, picking up her bag from the floor. Eleven opens the bag and takes a leather jacket out, making her smile bright.

"Oh my god, Max! Thank you so much." El says bringing Max in for another hug. They pull away after a few seconds and Eleven puts the jacket on.

"It suits you." Max smiles, El mirroring the facial expression. "Okay now, give me a piggyback." Max says, jumping on her back. Eleven leads them down the stairs, and opens the door with one hand, while the other has a grip on Max's leg. She then goes down the second set of stairs and twirls around before dropping her down on an armchair. All the boys were confused until they heard a familiar comforting laughter that they knew all too well.

"MAX!" Mike, Will, Dustin all said at the same time. Lucas was too stunned to say anything. She looks even more beautiful than she was the last time he saw her. She even looks happier, as she wouldn't have asked El to give her a piggyback down the stairs and would just be in her room, isolating herself from everyone a few months ago. He has missed her laugh, her smile, her hair, her beauty, but the thing he has missed the most is her. He can't stop smiling at her as she laughs while getting up off the sofa.

"Hey Max." Mike smiles as he goes over to her.

"Hey Frogface." Max smiles and hugs him back when he hugs her.

"I missed you."

"Aww, did you guys hear that, Frogface missed me?" Max mocked him, pinching his cheek. "But yes I missed you too."

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