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What if Max gets her period in P.E.
(Eleven goes to school with them.)

Max had just got done changing into her P.E. kit and was waiting for Eleven to finish so they could both go into the Sports Hall. El came out of her cubicle and joined Max. Max was wearing her hair up into a ponytail while Eleven had her hair down as it wasn't really that long.

They went out into the hall and met up with the rest of the Party: Lucas, Mike, Will and Dustin.

"Hey", Mike said as he jogged over to them along with Lucas.

"Hi", Eleven quietly said, a small smile appearing on her face, as she walked over to Mike. He held his hand out for her and she took it and they walked over to a corner talking about something.

Lucas smiled at Max and she smiled back.

"Hey", She broke the silence.

"Hey" He said back.

The two hadn't seen each other since last night when they were making out and then that led to other things. Of course they gave each other aftercare but then Lucas left her house as her parents came back and they were almost caught.

"I had a good time last night." He finally said.

"Yeah...yeah. Me too." She looked down with a slight blush on her cheeks and an ascending smile. This made him smile even more, knowing he could still make her flustered.

She looked up at him and they were both just staring in each other's eyes. Him looking in her ocean blue eyes. And her looking in his chocolate brown eyes.

They both jumped at the sound of the whistle that their teacher was blowing. He was telling them to start warming up by running around.

Max left Lucas to find El and they started running but stopped and started walking when the teacher wasn't looking.

After they were finished, Max and Lucas sat down on the bench to grab a drink.

She reached down to grab it and saw a red stain on the jogging bottoms she was wearing.

She widened her eyes, trying to think of when she had her period last and it had been over a month.

"Oh shit. Fuck no." She cursed to herself and swallowed a lump in her throat.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, hearing her swears.

"My period just started." She whispered to him while facing him and covering her legs.

"Oh shit."

"Exactly. I need your help."

"Me?" Lucas furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, yeah."

"What do you want me to do?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know. Just hurry up and think of something."

"Alright, give me a second." He said as he searched his brain for a solution.

"Okay I got it."

"What is it?" She questioned.

After a few minutes, both of them stood up and carried on with their running. Max then pretended to fall down but made it look believable. Lucas quickly ran to her and asked the teacher if he could take her to the nurses office. He agreed and Lucas helped Max walk to make it look like she actually hurt herself.

They went to the changing rooms and grabbed their bags and clothes and then they both went to his car and quickly drove them to his house since it was closer than her place.

He opened the front door with his key and led them both upstairs.

"You can take a shower and do whatever you need to do. If you need anything, just let me know. Okay?"

Max nodded her head with a small smile. "Thank you."

"Of course." He smiled softly at her before leaving to go into his room while she went into the bathroom.


When Max is done in the shower, she gets changed into some of Lucas' clothes, which he left outside the door, and enters his bedroom. He's sitting on his bed, reading a book, and then puts it away when he sees her.

"Feel better?" He asks.

"Yeah. Thank you, truly." She smiles at him as she sits next to him.

"Anything for you." He smiles at her. She can see the way he looks at her. With a complete love struck expression. She thought it was a one time thing and it would pass, but it hasn't. He's been looking at her like this for months and a few weeks ago, he told her he loved her. She reciprocates the feeling but didn't tell him that as she wanted to be sure he was being true to his word. She knows her answer now so she's ready accept her feelings for him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks as he can see the way her expression shifted.

"I love you." She blurts out.

His eyes widen, not expecting that but he then smiles.


"Yeah. I just needed time to accept it. I just needed to know you were being honest about your feelings for me and now I know my answer. You've always been there for me. At my lowest and at my best. So yeah I love you." She confesses with a small smile.

"I promise you, Max, I will always do right by you." He says as he takes her hands.

"I know. You're it for me, Lucas Sinclair." She smiles wide.

"You're it for me, too, Max Mayfield." He smiles.

A/N: I hope you liked this, aylin2445128. Expect me to post a lot more but I just need ideas. So comment them, or just dm me.

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