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What if Max woke up from her coma. Max's bones are fine and her eyes are fine.

(Angst) (Fluff)

It has been almost a year since Max fell into a coma. Everyone but Lucas and Eleven had moved on, telling them to just take the life support away, since that way it would be "easier" for her which to Lucas was complete bullshit. He was pissed at everyone at everyone except El who he could see was trying to help by searching for Max in the void.

El saw that Mike was being an asshole and didn't even care that Max was in a coma and said that she deserved it and so she broke up with him. She realised that she ddin't need a boyfriend in her life at that moment in time, especially Mike with what he said. She was just trying to focus all her energy on helping both Max and Lucas.

El could see Lucas had changed a lot, understandably so. He never smiles anymore and always has a tired expression on his face. He has a lot of stubble on his face, and his hair has grown out... a lot. He looks like he never sleeps and overall just looks exhausted.

Lucas is now telling Max one of their happiest memories that they shared together, while holding her hand in the hopes she would wake up. Once he finished reminiscing about the memory with a sad smile, he felt a small hand movement.

"Max?" He hopefully asked, desperately wanting her to wake up. He felt her hand move about in his hand. After a few minutes, she fluttered her eyes open.

"Lucas?" A voice asked that he knew all too well. She sat up and immediately went into his arms and started crying. The amount of relief Lucas feels is too much to explain. He's more than happy that the girl he loves has come back to him. Max can't stop crying. She feels an intense feeling of relief come over her but also sadness. Lucas was about to cry but reminded himself that Max would need him now more than ever and he had to stay strong for her.

They stayed like that for a few more minutes before Lucas pulled away and cradled her face, wiping her tears away.

"Max, you're ok. You're safe. Calm down. It's ok. It's ok. Don't worry. I'm here." Lucas said, trying to calm her down as she was having trouble breathing and was frantically looking around her. "Breathe in and out with me, ok. In and out. In and out. In and out." Lucas smiled softly when her breathing changed back to normal.

"Thank you." She gave a weak smile.

"Always." He said as he put his forehead against hers. "How did you wake up?"

"It was you. You woke me up."

"I don't understand."

"I could hear you everyday, talking to me, reading to me. It gave me strength to wake up. I saw how me being asleep was destroying you so I needed to wake up to help both myself and you."

"You could hear everything?"

"Yeah. I also heard you say you love me. Is it true?" Max asked nervously.

"Yeah. I always have. I wouldn't just say that if it wasn't true. Sure I joke about a lot of things, but I would never joke or lie about your feelings or my feelings. So yeah I love you." Lucas admitted. It brings a smile onto Max's face, knowing he feels the same way and how mature he has become.

"I love you too."

"Really?" Lucas questions with a smile.

"Yeah. At first I denied my feelings for you because I haven't felt this way about anyone before and I was scared about what it was so I just ignored it. But now I can't dismiss those feelings. I love you." Max smiles softly.

Lucas got up from the floor and went onto the bed next to her. Her ocean blue eyes looking in his. He then leaned in and Max leaned in and they closed the space between their lips. Max smiles during the kiss, missing the way his lips felt against hers and puts her hand on his neck, trying to pull him closer. He puts his hands on her sides, loving the way she tries to pull him closer. They get interrupted when El comes through the door.


Lucas and Max jump apart and turn to the door and see Eleven come through the door.

"Hey El." Max smiles but is a bit annoyed that her kiss was cut short. Eleven comes through the door and hugs Max tightly.

Lucas zones out while El and Max talk. "Lucas please. I don't wanna die. I'm not ready. I don't wanna go. I'm not ready. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas."

Lucas jumps and turns to look at the 2 girls, looking at him in concern.


"Are you ok?" Max asks in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lucas tries to play it off.

"El. Can you go and get a doctor for me? So they can see when I can get discharged." Max asks.

"Yeah, sure." El nods and leaves the room.

Max gets closer to Lucas and starts playing with his hands.

"Lucas, you know you can talk to me, right?" Max asks, looking at his eyes.

"Yeah, of course."

"Then why won't you? I can see there is something wrong and I've only been awake for 20 minutes. Please tell me. Don't you think I would understand since we're probably going through the same thing? Let me guess. You're feeling guilty because of what happened to me."

Lucas looks away from her ocean blue eyes.

"Lucas, look at me. Please." She then gets onto his lap and straddles him and lifts his chin up. "It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, but just promise me that you will talk to someone. It doesn't have to be me. But just please get help because if you just hide all of your pain away, it all gets too much and builds up and then it will begin eating you alive and takes a toll on everything."

"Ok. I promise. I would like to talk to you but not yet. I'm not ready to talk yet."

"That's completely fine. I understand." Max then puts her arms around his neck and hugs him and he puts his arms around her waist.

A/N: Yay. I finally posted. sadiesinkluvrforlife thank you for your request. I love you. Also my phone got taken away for the millionth time for no reason again. So wattpad is our only way to talk.

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