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What if Max and Lucas hung out together at Max's trailer.


(Continues from chapter 2)

(The day after the movie)

For the first time in forever, Max had woken up with a smile on her face as she reminisced of the events that took place the night before. The simple thought of Lucas could brighten up her day and was hoping she would be able to see him today. She got out of bed and took a shower and went to the toilet and got changed out of her night clothes into some black jeans and a white t-shirt with a black hoodie with white stripes. She saw her mom passed out on the couch and was not surprised, she picked up her beer cans and threw them in the bin. She looked at her watch and saw that it was 10:30 and made some toast for herself. She decided that she would call Lucas and see if he had any plans for today.

The phone at the Sinclairs' rang for a few seconds before the calming voice of Lucas had spoken.

"Hello?" Lucas asked.

"Hey, it's me." Max answered.

"Oh hey, did you sleep well?" Lucas asked knowing that Max had trouble sleeping at first.

"Yeah, really good, probably the best sleep I've had in a while." Max said back, with a small smile creeping onto her face. Lucas was relieved and happy at the same time.

"Good, are you doing anything today?" Lucas questioned, wanting to spend the day with Max alone.

"No, I was hoping we could hang out." Max said in a hopeful way.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Lucas responded, sending Max into euphoria.

"Cool, where should we meet up?" Max queried.

"Umm... do you wanna go to the arcade?" Lucas suggested, knowing Max would probably agree.

"Yeah, meet you there in 10." Max said, accepting the invitation.

"Alright see you soon, love you." Lucas said with a smile.

"Love you too." Max replied, hanging up the phone feeling happier and feeling her stomach having butterflies, as every time Lucas said something affectionate to her, even though it might not seem like much to anyone else, it meant the world to her.

10 minutes later, they met up at the arcade as promised, with them giving each other a hug and kiss. They first played Pac-Man and then Dig-Dug and went to McDonald's to eat. They were just talking about everything and anything they could think of, not getting bored of each other's presence. They soon enough were getting tired of walking around, and so ended up at max's trailer. Max's mom left a note, saying she had gone to work and would be back tonight at 2 A.M.

They went over to the couch and sat down and the Lucas asked something that made Max smile a lot.

"You know that memory, that you said was your happiest and I was there... what was it?" Lucas said with a small smile.

"That's presumptous of you, Stalker." Max said with a smirk. This made Lucas chuckle.

"It was the night when an unnamed certain someone asked me for a dance so smoothly that I had practically dragged them out to the dance floor." Max said with a massive smile.

"The Snowball, our first kiss." Lucas said, remembering the memory as clear as if it was yesterday that it happened.

"Yeah, but it's not the memory that makes me happy." Max replied, leaving Lucas looking a bit bemused.

"It's you Lucas, it's always been you." Max says reaching out to hold his hands as he gladly let her hold them. Lucas smiled brightly and she returned it. He leaned in to kiss her and she leaned in as well and the kiss was even more passionate than the one they experienced the night before and he pushed her down on the sofa and leaned on his arms, making sure to not put all of his weight. Max loved this side of Lucas, because even though she didn't like any kind of public display of affection, when she was alone with Lucas, it was a whole different story. They pulled away for a breath before going back in. He moved his head to her neck to kiss it softly, to below her jawline and sucked on it before going back to giving it soft kisses. He moved his hands under her shirt to her bare waist and rubbed it, and went back to kissing her soft lips.

Max had loved this and then turned the motions around so she was on top of him and smiled to herself. Lucas looked surprised but it was washed away with a smile. He sat up and let Max straddle him and put his hands on her thighs then around her waist to pull her in and they started kissing again. Then the phone rang, making both of them jump.

"Perfect timing." Max stated sarcastically, jumping off Lucas to grab the phone.

"Hello?" Max questioned, irritated.

"Oh hey, Max." El answered, with her normal sweet self.

"Hey El, can you call me later, I'm kind of busy right now." Max said, trying to sound as normal as possible when Lucas hugged her from behind and buried his head into the crook of her neck.

"Sure, bye." El said hanging up.

"Bye." Max replied, hanging up as well, turning around and reaching the back of Lucas' neck to pull him in closer. He picked her up, with her wrapping her legs around him, as he led them to he bedroom and shut the door behind them.


Sorry, I haven't posted for a few days, but I will try to post everyday.

Here is a really bad chapter, but who cares ;)

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