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What if Max and Lucas went home to Lucas' house after the Snowball


No one's POV:

"Max," Lucas had said very boldly. Max turned around to see Lucas looking at her in a nervous manner.

"Umm... it's nice right." Lucas said a bit unsure of how to say he wanted to dance with her. Max was a bit anxious as well because she wanted the same but wasn't sure how to say it.

"You wanna like ... you know like... just you and me?" Lucas said with a nod and a sigh of relief after finally getting the words out.

"Are you trying to ask me to dance, Stalker?" Max said with a knowing look on her face.

"No...of course not...unless you want to?" Lucas said a bit unsure of what was about to happen. Max let a small smirk be evident on her face when he had stated this.

"So smooth, come on." Max had responded with a smile on her face and grabbed his hand and let him to the dance floor. Lucas had a shocked expression on his face for a few seconds but then it quickly went away and a smile appeared.

Max put her hands on his shoulders and he put his hands on her waist and they began to softly sway to the music. They couldn't stop smiling at each other as they got themselves lost in each other's eyes. Max had gotten herself disorientated in her Stalker's eyes which were chocolate brown and looked so beautiful. Lucas got himself caught adrift in Max's ocean blue eyes which looked so peaceful and so unique.

Max had thought Lucas would want to be with her since he tried to ask her to dance in a not so smooth way so she darted forward to kiss him. When she pulled away, she saw he had a surprised expression on his perfect face but was then replaced with a grin that went from ear to ear. He saw that she had a radiant smile which was on her beautiful face which was the most majestic sight that he had ever seen.

 He saw that she had a radiant smile which was on her beautiful face which was the most majestic sight that he had ever seen

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(Her smile)

She then went to lay her head on his shoulder and Lucas smiled to himself as he had finally got what he wanted since the day Max came to the school.

Max had lifted her head off Lucas' shoulder to see Eleven walk in a blue dress and she walked towards Mike and surprisingly she saw him be so caring towards her and they walked towards the dance floor together. She turned her head back to Lucas and he kissed her and that left her in a blushing state but she didn't care and instead smiled. They carried on dancing until the end of the song and walked back to their table hand in hand. They saw Will and Dustin look at them very funnily.

"What?" Max had said a bit uneasily. They both pointed towards her and Lucas' hands still entangled in each others. Max didn't care and only held on tighter. Lucas didn't care either and only squeezed Max's hand. She felt very clingy and used her other hand to hold his arm and Lucas quite liked, or in fact, loved this side of her and he would be the only to bring this side of her out and smiled. Will and Dustin were confused and looked at each other in bewilderment but before they could question it, Mike and El came back, also holding hands.

They were just talking about anything and everything but El just stayed quiet most of the time. Max said things from time to time but was just leaning her head on Lucas' shoulder.

Soon after, they decided to go home as it was late already as it was. Max wanted to ask Lucas if she could stay at his place because she was still feeling very clingy.

"Lucas, can I ask you something?" Max asked the boy she was in love with.

"Sure." Lucas said.

"Umm... can I stay over at your place tonight?" Max asked with nervousness as she was unsure of what he would say.

"Yeah, but you're gonna have to go in through the window, my mom would freak if she found out I had a girl staying in my room." Lucas replied.

Max then goes to the phone and calls her mom telling her she is going to spend the night at a friend's house.

Timeskip: They get there:

Max waits outside and a minute later Lucas opens his window and helps her to get in.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" Max asked a bit nervously.

"Yeah, sure." Lucas responded and goes to his cupboard and takes out a white t-shirt and some grey joggers.

"Where can I change?" Max questioned.

"I can turn around." Lucas answered as he turned around. Max thought this was very weird and changed. Lucas went to the bathroom and changed as Max looked around his room.

He came back and he said he could sleep on the floor and Max protested but he wasn't having any of it. Max couldn't sleep as she was really cold.

"Lucas?" Max called.

"Yeah" Lucas replied.

"I can't sleep, it's really cold, can you come up here?" Max had said.

"Ok," Lucas agreed and got up and went next to Max and lied down and was very surprised when he heard the next thing that came out of her mouth.

"Can you just hug me so I can warm up?" she inquired.

"Of course." he said granting her request and rubbed her back up and down and she hugged him back and within a few minutes, her soft snores could be heard. They both cuddled with each other and had the most peaceful sleep that they had in a long time.


If you could please leave your requests in the comment section because soon I will run out of ideas, thank you.

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